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  1. #1
    mikzsan is offline Junior Member
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    Best way to transfer Test E from package syrine to insulin syringe?

    Hi, Im new here but have a quick technical question.

    My Test E comes in a prefilled syringe (250mg in 1 ml), with no measurement markers. However, I just take 50-100mg per shot , so i want to transfer the Test E to a 1ml insulin syringe. What im wondering is, what is the correct method for transferring it? I was thinking to take off the plunger from the back of the prefilled syringe and draw up the solution with the insulin pin, but wasn't sure.

    Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    that could work however i dont imagine the oil being thin enough to draw into an insulin syringe. also kinda hard to pin with an insulin needle IM. why such low doses per injection?

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Why are u pinning 50-100mg of test e?

    Are u on TRT?

    Why a 100% difference in what you are pinning?

  4. #4
    TopDogUK's Avatar
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    Id be careful in pulling out the plunger its usually tight around the end of the plunger so it cant slip out by accident you dont want to spill it, can you not just take the needle off the one it comes in and stick the insulin needle through the hole in the top? or are the needles fixed on?

  5. #5
    mikzsan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Roidz View Post
    that could work however i dont imagine the oil being thin enough to draw into an insulin syringe. also kinda hard to pin with an insulin needle IM. why such low doses per injection?
    Hi, I would put an 18G needle on the insulin syringe to draw it up ( I have the syringes without the fixed needle), then swap it for a 27G to inject. Low doses are due to TRT , but as this is more a technical question, i thought maybe this section would be more suited to ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Why are u pinning 50-100mg of test e?

    Are u on TRT?

    Why a 100% difference in what you are pinning?

    Yep, im on HRT, and prefer 100mg per week or 50 twice per week for more steady levels as opposed to the 'old school' 250mg bi weekly.

    Quote Originally Posted by TopDogUK View Post
    Id be careful in pulling out the plunger its usually tight around the end of the plunger so it cant slip out by accident you dont want to spill it, can you not just take the needle off the one it comes in and stick the insulin needle through the hole in the top? or are the needles fixed on?
    I tried doing that but the hole/neck of the syringe it comes with is too small for the insulin needle to stick in.

    Thanks for the advice
    Last edited by mikzsan; 10-22-2010 at 05:02 AM.

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    If you can't pull back the plunger on the slin pin, remove the needle, and inject it in through the front for some reason, then you you'll want to just back-load the slin pin.
    Pull the plunger out of the slin pin, squirt the oil in through the back, then CAREFULLY reinsert the plunger so that you don't push any oil out through the slin pin.

  7. #7
    TopDogUK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    If you can't pull back the plunger on the slin pin, remove the needle, and inject it in through the front for some reason, then you you'll want to just back-load the slin pin.
    Pull the plunger out of the slin pin, squirt the oil in through the back, then CAREFULLY reinsert the plunger so that you don't push any oil out through the slin pin.
    if your injecting it directly into the back of insulin syringe. pull the plunger, inject it in, put the plunger in about 1-2 mile-meters so it doesn't squirt the oil, tip the syringe upside down so the oil sits on the plunger then push it up? should work, but not sure never tried it. id try that way first.

  8. #8
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Not 100% sure but gerally the brewing ingredients or lack of them in an Enth Brew does not leave the oil very thin

    I have never uses homebrew Enth but the HG stuff i have bought was thick, even when heated it took some time to draw up through a 21G pin

    You may struggle to pin with a gauge that high, let us know how it goes

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Actually, the best option would be to just buy a sealed sterile vial and shoot all your oil in that. Then you could just draw from it with a 21-22g and pin with a 25g (which is the smallest I'd use for oils).

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Actually, the best option would be to just buy a sealed sterile vial and shoot all your oil in that. Then you could just draw from it with a 21-22g and pin with a 25g (which is the smallest I'd use for oils).

    How could i have not thaught of this when I have a boat load of them in my goodies box upstairs LOL

  11. #11
    mikzsan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Actually, the best option would be to just buy a sealed sterile vial and shoot all your oil in that. Then you could just draw from it with a 21-22g and pin with a 25g (which is the smallest I'd use for oils).
    Thanks I will try to source one of these. With the sterile vile, im assuming I can draw out, say 50mg at a time, then restore the vial and keep doing this? Is there some preservative in the vial that makes it sterile? Thanx again

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    No they are just free of germs and (should) come packed with an inert gas. When you inject your test into the vial the benzyl alcohol in the test solution is sufficient to maintain sterility as long as you do not introduce germs. Remember to always wipe the top of the vial with an alky pad to clean it and then let it air dry ( do not blow on it) then if you are going to remove a half cc of test with your syringe pull a half cc of air into the syringe and inject this into the vial before turning the vial upside down and pulling the plunger back to remove the half cc of test.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-22-2010 at 08:59 AM. Reason: Spelling

  13. #13
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Actually, the best option would be to just buy a sealed sterile vial and shoot all your oil in that. Then you could just draw from it with a 21-22g and pin with a 25g (which is the smallest I'd use for oils).
    Agreed. Correct.

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