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  1. #1
    RANE2001's Avatar
    RANE2001 is offline Junior Member
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    Test Prop/Tren Ace and possible Winny cycle

    Hey all,

    Getting ready to do my next cycle in about 3 months. and it will be Test prop/Tren Ace, my question is as follows.

    I have 40ml of Test prop on order and 40ml of Tren Ace. I was thinking of also adding winny tabs at the end of the cycle. stats

    200lbs, 5'11
    Dont know BF%
    Age: 36
    I will be eating Clean throughout my cycle as I have been.
    Have a few Test Cyp/Winny cycles under my belt.
    I was thinking of

    100mgs of Test Prop EOD Weeks 1-12
    100mgs of Tren Ace EOD weeks 1-12
    Winny Tabs 50mg ED Weeks 8-12?

    PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20


    Wondering if the EOD also includes weekends? Exampl M-W-F-Su and then start over T-Th-S-M and so on?

    Is my PCT enough?
    Thanks all
    Last edited by RANE2001; 10-22-2010 at 08:47 AM.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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  3. #3
    RANE2001's Avatar
    RANE2001 is offline Junior Member
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    Age: 36

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    It usually recommended to ease into the 19nor field by trying deca before tren .

    But I'll say this, if it's your first go with tren, no need to add winny to the mix. Test/Tren is more than enough.

    Your PCT is weak. I'd add another SERM to it, and consider using HCG on cycle.

    Yes, EOD means just that, every other day.

    Also, 12 weeks of prop/tren is on the long side. I don't like running tren that long, and I don't like pinning ED or EOD for 12 weeks.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Of corse D7M has captured everything

    Just to help u out a bit;

    A wise move would be to run HCG throughout ur cycle

    Look into your PCT more, Swifto has a good Q&A thread going at the moment with exactly what you need, find it in the PCT section

    I would shoot ED as you may find EOD very painfull, depending on how your body takes the gear.

    As mentioned 12 weeks is long for ED or EOD shots, keep it to 8 weeks, this will theoretically be around the time that your gains slow anyway

  6. #6
    RANE2001's Avatar
    RANE2001 is offline Junior Member
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    So lets keep the cycle to 8 weeks.

    HCG during the Cyle? I have never used HCG. What is the reason on running it?

    What other serm would you recommend?

    checking swiftos section now.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Of corse D7M has captured everything

    Just to help u out a bit;

    A wise move would be to run HCG throughout ur cycle

    Look into your PCT more, Swifto has a good Q&A thread going at the moment with exactly what you need, find it in the PCT section

    I would shoot ED as you may find EOD very painfull, depending on how your body takes the gear.

    As mentioned 12 weeks is long for ED or EOD shots, keep it to 8 weeks, this will theoretically be around the time that your gains slow anyway
    im curious as to the reson you think ed shots will be less painfull then eod shots..obviously you shoot less per inject but then theres the fact that you have to use more injection sites so in theory more places to feel pain...does using less per inject make that much a difference in post injection pain?...ive never tryed ed so id like your input...

  8. #8
    shennen is offline Associate Member
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    ^^me too

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