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Thread: Yohimburn????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Question Yohimburn????

    Has anyone on here ever used this product and it sooo did it work well or just a waste of money.....If it works im thinking about using it get some fat off the bottom pec area....Please reply with some general info about the product if it works or not.....Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    There have been a lot of posts (recent) on Yohimburn, do a search.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I know there have been post on it but on every post no one gave info regarding if it really worked and also no one stated if they have tried and have had results from it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    I will agree on that one, most the posts are just info posts, so I will give you a bump because you did call me on that one. haha Sorry I haven't used the stuff yet.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Thanks Bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Come on guys i know there has to be somebody on this board that has used this stuff ......that could tell me about what it done for them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    there has been a lot of mixed reviews. most people say that it only works if you are already very low in bodyfat and are just trying to shed that last %. many other people say that the results are just psychological.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    JD, why dont you give it a try for yourself and tell US what YOU think? Its not that expensive im sure you can easily afford it and its worth the shot dontchya think?

    Ive heard alot of mixed reviews about it as well, I personally dont beleive any mixed reviews until I try the product myself.

  9. #9
    just a note:

    with respect to mixed reviews...

    aside from puffy nipple use (with a 60% satisfaction rating- with original- not enough data for the DF yet.. hopefully higher)

    the yohimburn DF has 95+% positive feedback

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by macrophage69alpha
    just a note:

    with respect to mixed reviews...

    aside from puffy nipple use (with a 60% satisfaction rating- with original- not enough data for the DF yet.. hopefully higher)

    the yohimburn DF has 95+% positive feedback
    macro do you happen to have an affiliation with AF???


  11. #11
    Originally posted by painintheazz

    macro do you happen to have an affiliation with AF???

    yes and no...not directly... though did design the "topical platforms".. including yohimburn and pseven... and do most of the research and product development.

  12. #12
    My wife just bought some Yohimburn DF. She plans on using it next week, prior to AM cardio. She has some of that stubborn girly fat on her legs. She has declared war. Should be interesting.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by macrophage69alpha

    yes and no...not directly... though did design the "topical platforms".. including yohimburn and pseven... and do most of the research and product development.
    Very nice. I sort of had a feeling that you were connected with it somehow. Anyhow I still like your advice and I don't think it is biased toward selling a product.. I can't wait to start my Yomb, I have a few other things planned first, and I like to do one thing at a time to see what really works. I will keep the board updated on how I like the product.


  14. #14
    Originally posted by painintheazz

    Very nice. I sort of had a feeling that you were connected with it somehow. Anyhow I still like your advice and I don't think it is biased toward selling a product.. I can't wait to start my Yomb, I have a few other things planned first, and I like to do one thing at a time to see what really works. I will keep the board updated on how I like the product.

    feedback.. of all kinds... is appreciated.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I just started using this on my chest area and after about 7 days the area i was using it on started to break out like crazy with acne. I has anyone else had this happen?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    elitefitness has many threads dedicated to yohimburn info. and feedback from users...i hate to say it, but do a search over there if need be

  17. #17
    i have had good sucess with it and posted pictures somewhere a long ass time ago when it first came out... but i have friends who have used it to no avail... i really do think it depends on your fat storage patterns.

  18. #18
    Originally posted by rotty508
    I just started using this on my chest area and after about 7 days the area i was using it on started to break out like crazy with acne. I has anyone else had this happen?
    that is really odd most people report a reduction/clearing of skin.

    do you have dry skin? if so that may be the problem. you may need to use lotion on the site after use (perhaps before bed).. also are you exfoliating?

    perhaps allergies?

  19. #19
    chinups Guest
    I started using the original last week. I use it before I go to bed at night. No results yet but after this one I will try the DF. Will keep everyone posted. FYI-I am really close to have the the bottom two abs show to have a six pack.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I dont really have dry skin. i hadnt tried the exfoliating. would being on a cycle have anything to do with it? i dont really break out much while i am on but this really made me break out but ONLy only my right side of my chest which is the only spot i was using it so i knew it had to be from it.

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