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Thread: HELP! injected, aspirated blood, pulled out and now feel pain?!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    regina, sk canada

    Question HELP! injected, aspirated blood, pulled out and now feel pain?!?!

    so i injected in the thigh and it felt off right away, i aspirated and saw blood,it hurt at the time. pulled it out and now its a light bruise and still pain. the bruise is about the size of a dime. no gear actually went in the site, i injected the other side and its fine. just wondering if there is concern for an infection??

    note: this is actually for a close friend who doesnt have access to a computer. i started my cycle today, glute shot, went good no trouble.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Since when does bruise = infection?

    He should be alright.

  3. #3
    He should be fine. Just make sure it doesnt show signs of infection as time goes on

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    regina, sk canada
    he says its warm and its a constant charlie horse kind of pain. he said it hurts the direction it went in... it hurts when he moves his heel back, but not THAT bad. and when he pushes it hurts more but not like un bearable. hes wondering if he hit a nerve? the thing that makes me wonder is its warm and swollen a bit. his inject was last night

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Probably nicked a Vein, ya it's gonna hurt for a bit was this his first ever injection? Try ice for the swelling then heat heat and more heat it's the one thing that made me feel relief, the pain may get worse before it gets better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    regina, sk canada
    no its his second cycle, it cleared up now, he figures it was a nerve witha blood vessel on the way out.. either way hes good and switched to glutes now lol

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