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Thread: HALO as a preworkout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    HALO as a preworkout

    I have some halotestin left over from my comp...

    60 x 15mg caps

    could i use these as a prewrokout booster on leg and back days for extra strength... ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Sure, as long as you're on cycle.
    Off cycle they will just mess with your HPTA.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Take in mind, it's liver toxicity is unrivaled. Check of liver values on a regular basis if you want to play it safe. I don't normally recommend the use of liver-protectors anymore during a cycle as enhances liver function breaks down a greater amount of your steroid, but in this case you ought to make an exception. Utilize during and after a cycle IMO.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Take in mind, it's liver toxicity is unrivaled. Check of liver values on a regular basis if you want to play it safe. I don't normally recommend the use of liver-protectors anymore during a cycle as enhances liver function breaks down a greater amount of your steroid, but in this case you ought to make an exception. Utilize during and after a cycle IMO.
    thanks for the reply bro , but im not quite understanding u

    ur saying fine to use as a preworkout on back and leg day ? but ... keep an eye on liver values...


    that i might use liver protectant in this case, however , u normally recommend that for pct and post cycle ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    How was your halo experience? I hear it is hit or miss.

  6. #6
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    i actually have read that at 10 mg 2x a day, halo is one of the least suppressive aas out there, not suppressive with normal functioning test

    I have had great results with halo, but i dont think that it can be used like you proposed. Though i am no doctor or chemist, i think alll you might get using it 2 x a week is a mental boost. i have had fantastic strength and aggrssion gains with halo at 100mg a day after about 2 weeks.

    if you want a boost, and you are on cycle now, run the stuff consecutively

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph View Post
    i actually have read that at 10 mg 2x a day, halo is one of the least suppressive aas out there, not suppressive with normal functioning test

    I have had great results with halo, but i dont think that it can be used like you proposed. Though i am no doctor or chemist, i think alll you might get using it 2 x a week is a mental boost. i have had fantastic strength and aggrssion gains with halo at 100mg a day after about 2 weeks.

    if you want a boost, and you are on cycle now, run the stuff consecutively
    You're thinking of Halodrol (the mild designer steroid similar to Tbol).
    We're talking about Halotestin, one of the most potent oral AAS. 2 completely different compounds.
    100mg of Halotestin would probably kill you after a week.

  8. #8
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    I have gone upto 60 mg a day no issues. I mix with TNE (50-75 mg) and 30 mg halo(commonly) with some preworkout drink and some heavy metal music on occasion for a few weeks at a time in addition to my normal aas use. I only do this on workout days. I have even done it for a weekend at a time just to get some wieghts up. I works great for about about a 2 hour boost.

    Then again I think half the time I am taking halo I am taking m-test. there is only one underground lab I trust to provide real halo. although they make m-test too

  9. #9
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph View Post
    i actually have read that at 10 mg 2x a day, halo is one of the least suppressive aas out there, not suppressive with normal functioning test

    I have had great results with halo, but i dont think that it can be used like you proposed. Though i am no doctor or chemist, i think alll you might get using it 2 x a week is a mental boost. i have had fantastic strength and aggrssion gains with halo at 100mg a day after about 2 weeks.

    if you want a boost, and you are on cycle now, run the stuff consecutively
    Yep, william llewellyn explains the use of Nolvadex or Clomid isn't necessary to bring back your natural test if it is used on a standalone level.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    I have gone upto 60 mg a day no issues. I mix with TNE (50-75 mg) and 30 mg halo(commonly) with some preworkout drink and some heavy metal music on occasion for a few weeks at a time in addition to my normal aas use. I only do this on workout days. I have even done it for a weekend at a time just to get some wieghts up. I works great for about about a 2 hour boost.

    Then again I think half the time I am taking halo I am taking m-test. there is only one underground lab I trust to provide real halo. although they make m-test too
    thats wat im talking bout !

    How long prior to your workout were u taking your tne and halo ?

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're thinking of Halodrol (the mild designer steroid similar to Tbol).
    We're talking about Halotestin, one of the most potent oral AAS. 2 completely different compounds.
    100mg of Halotestin would probably kill you after a week.
    I was talking about Halotestin, same as you.Why is it one of the most "potent"? It didnt kill me nor did it have any adverse health effects. The toxicity of it is overstated. HAve you takien it and then had blood work? I have and know several people who have.

  13. #13
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    I don't feel the toxicity is overrated really. I've seen more guys complain about this shit then praise it. Since it has a low anabolic capacity, and is reputable for shifting your liver enzymes out the ying yang, it's labeled as a steroid that seems to be almost pointless when there are safer alternatives that will bring equally or more results. Powerlifters use this shit for it's ridiculous strength boost while still remaining in the same weight class since it does virtually nothing for mass. There's one purpose I see a use for it, other than that, it's shit.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GOONBAH View Post
    thats wat im talking bout !

    How long prior to your workout were u taking your tne and halo ?
    Between 45 min to 75 min post workout. Is what I aimed for they both seem to start kicking around a half an hour but at an hour they are in-effect.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    Between 45 min to 75 min post workout. Is what I aimed for they both seem to start kicking around a half an hour but at an hour they are in-effect.
    post mean after.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    post mean after.
    My bad.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    thanks fellas

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're thinking of Halodrol (the mild designer steroid similar to Tbol).
    We're talking about Halotestin, one of the most potent oral AAS. 2 completely different compounds.
    100mg of Halotestin would probably kill you after a week.
    no, im talking about Fluoxymesterone, why is it that people always say that its soooooo damaging on the liver? Have you taken it and had pre and post bloodwork? I have. A friend of mine has. Hos doc prescribed him 60 mg a day for 2 months. his post bloodwork came back fine after a few weeks.

    This bro-knowledge needs to stop, seriously.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I don't feel the toxicity is overrated really. I've seen more guys complain about this shit then praise it. Since it has a low anabolic capacity, and is reputable for shifting your liver enzymes out the ying yang, it's labeled as a steroid that seems to be almost pointless when there are safer alternatives that will bring equally or more results. Powerlifters use this shit for it's ridiculous strength boost while still remaining in the same weight class since it does virtually nothing for mass. There's one purpose I see a use for it, other than that, it's shit.
    Seeing guys complain about toxicity without having bloodwork is just speculation probably based on other bro knowledge posted online.

    i agree to a degree.I can see how it is pointless for gaining mass. I agree there for sure. Its great for athletes, especially weight class athletes where explosive strength is involved, MMA, sprinters, track and field guys, football etc. Not everyone is out for the perfect massive body, not everyone is a bodybuilder that uses AAS, many, many of the guys and gals who do use are althletes of some sort. I think it brings a distinct fullness and hardness to muscles, adding rediculous strength with out adding unneeded mass, and ive also read it can help increase VO2 max. To some athletes this is the perfect drug. You think its "pointless" (for your goals it may be)
    Last edited by millionairemurph; 12-21-2010 at 08:19 AM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph View Post
    no, im talking about Fluoxymesterone, why is it that people always say that its soooooo damaging on the liver? Have you taken it and had pre and post bloodwork? I have. A friend of mine has. Hos doc prescribed him 60 mg a day for 2 months. his post bloodwork came back fine after a few weeks.

    This bro-knowledge needs to stop, seriously.
    Bonaparte and I would be the last 2 dudes on this entire board that would preach bro-knowledge. I've ran it before so don't think I'm talking out of my ass when I say monitor your enzymes with the necessary panels to do so. There is no harm in achieving prevention rather than treatment You should be getting the necessary exams on any anabolic support. The OP's goals were strength, and Halo will provide him with what he's looking for. I was merely giving him all the information and personal experience I've encountered on the compound so that he will be better prepared. So your friend's BW came out fine. Does that mean the same will apply to everyone else who administers this? Does that automatically make what I say or anyone else says in relation to checking your enzymes become "bro-knowledge"? Hell no.

    And yes I'm well aware of it's positive effect on an individuals v02 and the stimulating effect it has on your erythropoesis and cell respiration which many endurance athletes strive for.

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