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Thread: About Dostinex and Deca-Dick

  1. #1
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    About Dostinex and Deca-Dick

    Hey guys.Deca killed my dick and libido very well.Things are better sometimes i have short morning and night woods but still have very low libido and weak erections.I have this shit for 9-10 months,if dostinex works can i recover?? or it is too late? my all hormones are ok.

  2. #2
    tembe's Avatar
    tembe is offline Member
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    so your test levels are fine? maybe its just increased prolactin then and possibly estrogen? have you had blood tests?

  3. #3
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    yes.My test levels are good.Prolactin also,estradiol also,progesteron also.What's wrong in my body i dont know.I think deca killed my nerve-cells with low dopamine.I go to new doctor this week.But i want to be ready for everything.I wont waste any time more

  4. #4
    tembe's Avatar
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    fair enough..well im not sure then...i say wait for one of the more exp guys to chime in

  5. #5
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    For our information - how did your deca cycle look like?

    This kind of thread makes you re-think your next deca cycle....

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    What were the actual numbers from the bloodwork?
    Having a doc say you're "fine" doesn't mean much.

  7. #7
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    LH:4,00 in male;1.24-8.62
    FSH:2,50 in male;1.27-19.26
    E2:39 in male;20-47
    Prolactin:9,11 in male;2.64-13.1
    Total Testosteron:6.36 in male;1.75-7.81

    cholesterol:153 reference;120-200
    triglyceride:108 reference;50-150
    HDL:48 reference;30-65
    LDL:83 reference;60-130
    VLDL:22 reference;10-30

    my last hormone panel

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Ok, well your test is fine, but your estrogen and Prolactin are both on the high side. Therefore, a bit of Caber would help bring down the prolactin, and the estrogen could be lowered by just losing a bit of bodyfat.

  9. #9
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    i dont have bodyfat.But i will try to lower prolactin.If i lower it,can it be higher again after caber? or my body may recover?

  10. #10
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You don't have bodyfat? Pics please? lol

    And the caber should lower it at least temporarily. If that solves the problem, you could always stay on a small dose permanently (or something milder like P-5-P or bromo).

  11. #11
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    why temporarily? cuz it is too late for recovery?

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I said "at least" temporarily. Stop worrying and get a dopamine agonist. That's your best shot at getting your libido back.

  13. #13
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    IMHO Start with just a SERM at low dose. Prolactin levels tend to follow estrogen levels lower the estrogen and it might just solve both being high

  14. #14
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    IMHO Start with just a SERM at low dose. Prolactin levels tend to follow estrogen levels lower the estrogen and it might just solve both being high
    SERMs don't lower estrogen, they just block it at the receptor in breast tissue. He already used a SERM in PCT and it didn't do the trick, so he should try a dopamine agonist next.

  15. #15
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    SERMs don't lower estrogen, they just block it at the receptor in breast tissue. He already used a SERM in PCT and it didn't do the trick, so he should try a dopamine agonist next.
    yes.I did 2 PCTs.Clomid+Nolvadex ,Clomid.I had morning woods when i was on Clomid.But Clomid killed my eyes so i stoped it after 4 weeks.I bought caber and Tongkat Ali waiting for them.I must add this,Tonight i had strong nightwood felt it and touched it.This mean my body can be ok with time?

  16. #16
    tembe's Avatar
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    i suggest getting another blood test..

  17. #17
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack23 View Post
    yes.I did 2 PCTs.Clomid+Nolvadex ,Clomid.I had morning woods when i was on Clomid.But Clomid killed my eyes so i stoped it after 4 weeks.I bought caber and Tongkat Ali waiting for them.I must add this,Tonight i had strong nightwood felt it and touched it.This mean my body can be ok with time?
    Next time, please spare us the details...

  18. #18
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tembe View Post

    i suggest getting another blood test..
    ok i will get it tomorrow.Can i test my dopamine levels?

  19. #19
    tembe's Avatar
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    im not sure.. but just get all ur bloods taken again...and maybe try caber or prami

  20. #20
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack23 View Post
    ok i will get it tomorrow.Can i test my dopamine levels?
    No point. There is a test, but I'm not sure how valid it would be for this purpose (since it is designed to check for abnormally high neurotransmitter levels which could indicate a type of brain tumor).
    Just try the damn dopamine agonist and see if it helps. If not, then this is going to be complicated.

  21. #21
    Peace Missile's Avatar
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    Last edited by Peace Missile; 10-27-2010 at 04:36 AM.

  22. #22
    tembe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peace Missile View Post
    quit with the sh*t posts

    fireguy already told u off for doing it

  23. #23
    Considering is offline Junior Member
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    Ask your doctor about Pramipexole and adex, through in some Viagra.
    What were your e2 and prolactin levels before Deca ?

  24. #24
    Jack23 is offline Junior Member
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    i didnt take hormone panel before cycle that was my mistake,yesterday i ate some Epimedium and Maca.That shit really works for my libido and erections.I think Deca -dick is not impotance only libido problem so i feel better.I was waiting for money,tomorrow i will go to doctor.

  25. #25
    trix8 is offline Associate Member
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    hey man i finally cured myself no help from doctors after seeing a bunch,, u replied in the thread i started in pct forum check back their i had it close to a year and was able to cure within few weeks with sum otc vitamin combos

  26. #26
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    Ahh good old vitamins! Always do the trick!

  27. #27
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
    SomeRandomGuy is offline Associate Member
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    I'm gonna take some multivitamins and jack up my cabergoline dose... Yes?

  28. #28
    matvfreelife152 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trix8 View Post
    hey man i finally cured myself no help from doctors after seeing a bunch,, u replied in the thread i started in pct forum check back their i had it close to a year and was able to cure within few weeks with sum otc vitamin combos
    What vitamins cured you?
    Haydenz likes this.

  29. #29
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow, that's some scary sh!t. I really hope it all works out for you. Keep us posted.

  30. #30
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    This thread is 4 years old.

  31. #31
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    This thread is 4 years old.
    HAHA damn newbie bumping an old thread.... I wonder if the OP's sausage is still a limp noodle.

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