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After reading numerous threads and stickies regarding clen I made a purchase from AR-R and received my purchase yesterday (very quick delivery I might add). I bought Clen, T3, Keto and Taurine. I picked up some potassium yesterday at the health store. I am still confused and have been asking questions and doing more reading but I still cant seem to get a full grasp.
Looks like you have the right stuff to remedy some of the Clen's nasty sides. That's good...
I have never done AAS or a cycle of anything of that nature. I have an appointment Friday to get my blood work done suspecting I am low-t but I am not very optimistic that will produce anything for me.
I am concerned because it appears that there is a belief that clen and t3 has limited effectivenss if not taken with a cycle. Is this true? My plan was to continue on my current bulking cycle until January and then begin the clen/t3/keto for 12 weeks while cutting with strict dieting, cardio and HIIT. Am I missing something important here? I am concerned with losing muscle mass during this cut down and obviously want to limit any loss of muscle. I have read articles regarding t3 and the possibility of creating a catabolic condition.
Clen and t3 will not have limited effectiveness without anabolic support. However, both will be enhanced if you include AAS in the mix to consistently stay anabolic, avoiding catabolism and enhancing the effects of Clen/T3. In regards to loosing muscle mass, it shouldn't be a big deal with a strong diet as your backbone. But always expect the unexpected.
Another question I have is the injesting of the clen/t3/keto...can I mix it with my morning drink or should i just squirt it down or anything else?
Doesn't matter.
Thank you for taking the time to reply...any information at all would be very appreciated...