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Thread: Test for 12 weeks... but how many weeks for TRENBOLONE?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Test for 12 weeks... but how many weeks for TRENBOLONE?

    Here's my next cycle:

    Testosterone Propionate -- 150mg EOD
    Trenbolone Acetate -- 100mg EOD
    I'm gonna do the Testosterone for 12 weeks straight.

    However, I'd like to know, how long can I safely run Trenbolone Acetate for? Would 12 weeks of Trenbolone take a toll on me?

    Other stuff:
    1: I'll be taking hCG during cycle to stop my balls shrinking (and I know from past cycle experience that my balls suffer pretty badly)
    2: After 12 weeks, I'll stop taking all three compounds (Test,Tren,hCG), and then I'll pause for a few days before I do a 4-week-long PCT of Clomiphene (100/50/50/50) and Tamoxifen (40/20/20/20).

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Stats and cycle history?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Id run the tren weeks 2-12 (10 weeks total).

  4. #4
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    Id run the tren weeks 2-12 (10 weeks total).
    Thanks for the input.

    Any other opinions? Do you reckon it's a good idea to delay the Tren for 2 weeks and then go on it for the final 10 weeks as vettewreck suggested?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    How long have you been planning this cycle dude? I remember you posting 2 previous threads over the past 3 months with similar questions..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    How long have you been planning this cycle dude? I remember you posting 2 previous threads over the past 3 months with similar questions..
    I finished my last cycle at the end of March... so I've pretty much been planning this for 6.5 months. I wasn't planning on staying off the juice for this long but financial problems hit me hard!

    Just to give a quick summary. This will be my 3rd cycle. My first cycle was Sustanon on its own for 14 weeks. My second cycle was Test & Deca & Dbol for 12 weeks.

    This time around I'm going with Test P and Tren A because I want to gain nothing but muscle... I'm no fan of fat and water!

  7. #7
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    12 weeks is a haul with prop/tren and ED or EOD pinning.

    I'dt run tren 8-10 weeks, personally.

  8. #8
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    Prop weeks 1-12
    Tren weeks 1-10

    It's a great cycle and that's how i run the two together.

  9. #9
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    I've got one guy telling me to run the Tren for the first 10 weeks, and the other guy telling me to run it for the last 10 weeks.

    Any opinions on this? Am I best to start with Tren and Test at the same time... or should I run the Test for 2 weeks before starting on the Tren?

    All opinions are welcome!

  10. #10
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    it does not matter as the half life of Test P and Tren A are very similar.. they are just saying that 12 weeks of Tren A is a long time.. cut the cycle to 10 weeks all together and you will be fine

  11. #11
    iv just started jabbing its my first corce , i have had 4 jabs so far once every thursday , for the first 3 jabs i was taking testoserone 200 ciprnate , but was takin 400ml every jab , for my forth jab i bought some test 500 and jabd 2ml so 1000ml ov test , should i be taking this much im after huge gains ? im training hard and have a good diet im 5'8 and 14 stone atm after for weeks since my first jab , after huge gains am i going about this the right way ?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dice91 View Post
    iv just started jabbing its my first corce , i have had 4 jabs so far once every thursday , for the first 3 jabs i was taking testoserone 200 ciprnate , but was takin 400ml every jab , for my forth jab i bought some test 500 and jabd 2ml so 1000ml ov test , should i be taking this much im after huge gains ? im training hard and have a good diet im 5'8 and 14 stone atm after for weeks since my first jab , after huge gains am i going about this the right way ?
    i am assuming you mean mg and not ml...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dice91 View Post
    iv just started jabbing its my first corce , i have had 4 jabs so far once every thursday , for the first 3 jabs i was taking testoserone 200 ciprnate , but was takin 400ml every jab , for my forth jab i bought some test 500 and jabd 2ml so 1000ml ov test , should i be taking this much im after huge gains ? im training hard and have a good diet im 5'8 and 14 stone atm after for weeks since my first jab , after huge gains am i going about this the right way ?

    Start your own thread mate

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dice91 View Post
    iv just started jabbing its my first corce , i have had 4 jabs so far once every thursday , for the first 3 jabs i was taking testoserone 200 ciprnate , but was takin 400ml every jab , for my forth jab i bought some test 500 and jabd 2ml so 1000ml ov test , should i be taking this much im after huge gains ? im training hard and have a good diet im 5'8 and 14 stone atm after for weeks since my first jab , after huge gains am i going about this the right way ?
    You might wanna start your own thread . But you need to be 18 to post .

  15. #15
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    You are pinning the cyp every week you may not feel the love posting that you pinned a 1000mg considering its your first cycle...Hope you got some AI,s on hand or the huge gains you seek may be to your breasts, when the test aromatizes....

    To the OP, Tren tends shut you down hard so I would not go any longer than 8 weeks on a third cycle, but to each his own, at least your dosage is not that high.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-31-2010 at 07:04 PM.

  16. #16
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    If there's a moderator listening, I'd appreciate if you could delete the post by dice91 along with the responses to it.

    This thread is about how long you should use Trenbolone for.

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I've decided that I will run the Tren for 10 weeks, but I still don't know if I should run the Test on its own first.

    Actually, since I've never done Tren before, I think it might be a good idea to do Test on its own for the first 2 weeks, that way it will be easier to tell if there's a change in my temperament when I start on the Tren.

  17. #17
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    My opinion, is always good to start anything with test first so other compounds have less negative sides on your member and to your point, first time using a new compound would be a good idea to add a couple weeks so you can gauge how the gear is working.

    It's not really an issue though, can go either way..

    Most people i know start there tren and test together from the starting line.

  18. #18
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    My personal opinion is to start test first and ease tren in to it later. Thats what my nxt cycle. thanx for this post!

  19. #19
    i didnt put it on this tread the site did it automaticaly , chears for the advice from the people that where actualy helping people not the pricks that like to chops over the internet , chears agen the people that actualy give advice

  20. #20
    Just curious to know if the tren would still be run for 10 weeks if its the tabs rather than the injections.

  21. #21
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    You do not run toxic oral steroids for 10 weeks. When I say toxic, I am talkin about the heavy orals such as oral tren, halo, drol and stan. If you are running an average dose, your gains will begin to halt around weeks 4-5. But the sides will stay. Not worth it. Use that 10 week supply for two cycles IMO

    So the answer is no

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little View Post
    You do not run toxic oral steroids for 10 weeks. When I say toxic, I am talkin about the heavy orals such as oral tren, halo, drol and stan. If you are running an average dose, your gains will begin to halt around weeks 4-5. But the sides will stay. Not worth it. Use that 10 week supply for two cycles IMO

    So the answer is no
    didnt know tren ace was an oral lol

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    didnt know tren ace was an oral lol
    You just haven't heard of it yet, but there IS an orally active version of tren.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    didnt know tren ace was an oral lol
    I'm not a moron. Read post 20. "Tabs" refer to orally administered "tablets"

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by FTLdude View Post
    You just haven't heard of it yet, but there IS an orally active version of tren.
    Everybody knows of oral tren. That guy is just being a ****ing smartass trying to make us look like idiots

  26. #26
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    I'd save the tren for the last six weeks and use an oral for the first 4. Hell of a cycle!

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