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  1. #1
    e.nergie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    couple questions, gyno, syringes, last minute cycle adviceetc

    I know to prevent gyno from flaring up you can take arimidex (.20mg/ml ed) but what do I do to get rid of it afterwards I noticed after my last cycle I had minor gyno. Also can you use a syringe as a oral syringe (without the needle of course)

    I'm running 500mg/week Testoviron Depot (brown amp) for 12 weeks then doing either nolva/clomid pct or HCG . I havent read into hcg too much so dont know if that would be a better pct or not.


  2. #2
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2007
    You need a much better pct. Why dont you read up some in the forum dedicated to that subect here on this website. A pct should be an ai and a serm or two. at least, if not add hcg to it.

    if you used the search function you would find quite a few threads of the letrozole protcalls for getting rid of minor gyno.

    Hcg in addition to the standard serm and ai pct is much better. I think it speeds recovery time and makes pct easier.

  3. #3
    e.nergie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I need a better pct then clomid/nolva for 4 weeks? I thought it was pretty standard clom 40/20/20/20 and nolva 100/50/50/50 (i may have them backwards ill have to look again)

    I'm going to look into HCG as I dont know anythign about it other then it being a pct. Also can i use a regular syringe for oral use?

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