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  1. #1
    WeeZy is offline New Member
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    Question Test E + EQ = Good Beginner Cycle?

    Hey, as you can see it's my first time posting. I usually just check around for other threads similar to my situation but I decided to post.

    I've been quite curious to which cycle is the best for a first time user? Most of my friends have just started Anadrol only cycles but after doing some research, I found out that it's defintley not the best cycle for a newbie specially running it for 8-12 weeks like they're doing. I've seen many threads saying great things about Test + deca or EQ. I'm not sure which to pick between the two and is asking you guy's to help a brother out.

    I would also gladly appreciate if someone could help me by suggesting different cycles. I'm not to worried about getting "huge" But I'd like to bulk up a bit for sure. I'm kind of rambling so let's get to the point.

    Before you hate on me and tell me how stupid I am, just know I've done lot's of research and I know all the consequences for gearing up at my age and nobody on this forum will change my mind so just skip all that nonsense and help me out please

    Age: 18
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 170
    B/F: 10 %


  2. #2
    Badgers's Avatar
    Badgers is offline Junior Member
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    Why risk limp dick for the rest of your life? If your research is as extensive as You state, You should understand that noone on here will advise you on ass, and risk that you permanently damaging yourself.
    And please realise what you can achive through diet/rest/working out correctly. I'll bet my ass that You will pass your stupid anadrol friends with those factors in order w/o aas!!!!!

  3. #3
    WeeZy is offline New Member
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    It's just, I want to be at my prime for my grad year. I want to accomplish what would usually take a couple years in a couple of months.

    I'm not looking to beat up a "bully" or get the easy way out. I have had a strict regime with a firm protein intake and it's getting me no where.

    It's either I get good advice from knowledgable people on this site or I'm taking advice from a buddy. I would prefer getting advice from someone on here. Please just help me set up a cycle, I'm familuar with the consequences! Thanks.

  4. #4
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by WeeZy View Post
    Hey, as you can see it's my first time posting. I usually just check around for other threads similar to my situation but I decided to post.

    I've been quite curious to which cycle is the best for a first time user? Most of my friends have just started Anadrol only cycles but after doing some research, I found out that it's defintley not the best cycle for a newbie specially running it for 8-12 weeks like they're doing. I've seen many threads saying great things about Test + deca or EQ. I'm not sure which to pick between the two and is asking you guy's to help a brother out.

    I would also gladly appreciate if someone could help me by suggesting different cycles. I'm not to worried about getting "huge" But I'd like to bulk up a bit for sure. I'm kind of rambling so let's get to the point.

    Before you hate on me and tell me how stupid I am, just know I've done lot's of research and I know all the consequences for gearing up at my age and nobody on this forum will change my mind so just skip all that nonsense and help me out please

    Its not nonsense, if you dont want to listen thats your call. Dont expect much advice

    Age: 18 Too young
    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 170 Not only are you too young, but you are some way off of your natural potential
    B/F: 10 %


  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Way too young....

  6. #6
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i ran a test and deca cycle at 600mg test and 300mg deca my first cycle when i was 19 and gained and kept 20lbs of muscle.. i even ran proper PCT and HCG .. my test levels are about a quarter of what they should be now that i am 27.. so i deeply regret this.. my sex drive is pretty much nonexistant.. it sucks.. and i guarantee you it was because i did that shit too young.. its your call.. but once you graduate highschool you will realize that highschool doesn't matter.. once you grraduate college you will realize college doesn't matter.. because now you have the rest of your life.. and that shit lasts for 40-50 years... and THAT is what matters

  7. #7
    Triple Stack's Avatar
    Triple Stack is offline Associate Member
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    Very well said Machine5150, but I'm sure he's going to do it anyway...

    My first cycle was at 20, Anadrol only and no PCT...I looked great at the end of the cycle but lost it all and couldn't hump at all for at least a year. Lost my girlfriend at the time and couldn't perform with a woman so it defeated the whole purpose!

    OP you might want to check out the TRT forum now & prepare for your highly possible lifelong aftercare...

  8. #8
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    my advice... don't do , ur way to young. eat diet and use supps like whiteflood etc..

  9. #9
    WeeZy is offline New Member
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    Hmm, some people say that of course. But what are the odds that my testostorone will be deminished by 30 years old? If you want to try and change my mind, give me hard real facts. I don't know who to believe anymore, doctors, parents, I hear so much different shit.

  10. #10
    vettewreck is offline Banned
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    As stated, youre way too young for gear man. You gotta let your body grow naturally for a few more years first.

  11. #11
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Lets forget the fact that you're too young..... you know you are..... and obviously don't care.

    The other important factor here is the fact that you are 170lbs...... and 6'1" tall. You're even lighter than I was in highschool..... which only tells me that you have no clue wtf you're doing. I can tell you right now..... you aren't eating properly. I ate everything under the sun when I was 18 and still couldn't put on weight. After I learned how to eat properly.... i shot up to 200lbs fairly quickly.

    here's the problem with you running a cycle now (not even counting the age issue) - if you cycle and do happen to gain weight from it..... you're going to lose all of it and potentially could wind up weighing less than you did when you started. You aren't eating enough food to grow right now..... if you pack on more weight...... you'll be under eating to maintain that new weight. When you come off..... if your test levels don't FULLY return..... you're doubly fvcked because now you will risk losing the mass you currently have.....

    I say..... Let your friends fvck up their bodies..... but save your's and laugh at them down the road. If you want to continue on with the cycle..... fine..... but you wont be getting advice from any morally responsible person on this site.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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