Quote Originally Posted by SportbikeBob View Post
Ok so against my better judgment I decided to switch my cycle up a bit. I am currently on week 6 of this cycle:

test prop 75mg ED weeks 1-10
masteron 75mg ED weeks 1-10

After less then desired strength results I've decided to try Ment which I was going to use for my 3rd cycle but have decided to swap out the test for 25mg ED of Ment.

Stats as of today

height: 6ft
weight: 210lbs
BF: 10%
Cycle experience: 1 previous cycle

So now my full cycle will look like this

test prop 75mg ED weeks 1-5
Ment ace 25mg ED weeks 6-12
Mast prop 75mg ED weeks 1-12
Exemestane 10mg EOD weeks 6-12

Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50

I know not many people have experience with Ment so I figured I would share my experience. I'm told it's very similar if not a bit stronger then Tren in terms
of strength and size gains but with less harsh sides. However ment converts to a nasty estrogen. This is why the Exemestane is a must! I figured the Mast would help a bit with this too.
Please keep us posted on how the Ment goes. I am curious as to how well it mimics the natural effects of testosterone . I can't give much advice as this cycle is beyond my experience, but I have heard that ment is pretty suppressive so maybe HCG would be a good idea.