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Thread: All I have currently is Clen. ECA. Reforvit B. Can Reforvit be formulated into it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge

    All I have currently is Clen. ECA. Reforvit B. Can Reforvit be formulated into it?

    How would I go about stacking Reforvit B, Clenbuterol, and ECA. Should I just leave the reforvit out and sell it or could it be useful?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    im assuming ur trying to cut /lean out ??leave it out .wil bloat u up .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Yea I figured I'd get that response bro that's what im thinking too. My goals are to cut for the next 12 weeks starting monday and go right into a big cycle. I was thinking that If I ran Dbol for the first 4 weeks of my cutting alongside eca and clen it may prove to be beneficial....any other opinions..for knowledge sake here is what I have proposed

    weeks 1-2/5-6/9-10 clenbuterol pyramid dosages e/d
    weeks 3-4/7-8/11-12 xenoplex recommended dosages e/d
    weeks 1-4 Reforvit-b 30mg e/d
    weeks 5-12- off of anabolics totally and at week 13 start cycle consisting of .....

    weeks 1-12 750 mg test enth 750mg/wk
    weeks 1-4 test prop e/d
    weeks 1-12 equipoise 400mg/week
    weeks 1-24 HGH 4iu/day
    weeks 8-12 winny 50mg/ed
    weeks 20-24 Winny 50mg/ed
    weeks 16-24 test enth. 500mg/week

    will be using proper anti-e's when needed as well as proper supplementation including yohimburne. eca. creatine. glutamine. taurine. multi v. ala. and animal stacks liver protectants......give opinions on first proposed idea please with the reforvit

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