Hey guys how use doing just wanted some advice im thinking of taking some stuff ive read up alot about steriods and have been given advice by a friend of mine whos been using it for a while on and off if anyone can comment on the following cycle and let me no what to add or change please if u think there is anything wrong with it
1ml of tren
1ml of bold
2ml of prop
these are for the first 10 weeks shots taken on tuesday and saturday so twice a week total of 4ml
then after this 10 weeks
3ml of primo
1ml of deca 200
these are for the 6 weeks primo on the monday and deca on the friday
during this i also will have noveldex which ill be taking 1 tablet a day starting the second week of the cycle also with 1 tablet of proviron
thats all
any ideas or pointers or what i might be missing ???/
or what i should take for PCT i have clomid, arimidex, adriol testocaps and noveldex??