fo those that have used yohimburn ,in estrogen realted fat area's gas ot worked ??like just the lower part of the abbs ?My gilr is tryin to use it and i think its crock of shit really .
fo those that have used yohimburn ,in estrogen realted fat area's gas ot worked ??like just the lower part of the abbs ?My gilr is tryin to use it and i think its crock of shit really .
Last edited by big N; 02-23-2003 at 03:59 PM.
Never used it bro but ill bump this for you.
lower ab fat.. amy be due to alpha 2 issues... however.. it may also be due to insulogenic issues (often due to alcohol consumption)...
this is a less certain area of response for women (tends to be more reponsive for men, particularly if 'heavy lovehandle storage as well").. though response is still good.
hips, thighs and hamstrings (and usually triceps) tend to respond VERY WELL in women.
there are several dozen theads on the womens board at elite and anabolicfitness.. most of the other womens results are posted on AS boards and supps boards (all internet forums) as men typically post girlfriend or wifes results (ie.. # of women that frequent the boards in total, or at least post.. is fairly small)
cool ,bro thanks
Bump for results.
Big N,
Its ok, My opinion is a little over-rated wouldnt buy it again. no such thing as magic. P.S. some comments made above are from people who have a vested interest in the product....
k dog thanks bro .
original or DF?.. there is a HUGE difference.. part of the reason that original is only reccomended for those that wish to avoid caffiene..Originally posted by bigdog2502002
Big N,
Its ok, My opinion is a little over-rated wouldnt buy it again. no such thing as magic. P.S. some comments made above are from people who have a vested interest in the product....
as far as among those threads on elite and elsewhere the only people that might have bias.. ie...involved with the development (macro) and sales(ulter).. no one else posting has a vested interest...
the original is quite effective IF you have both high pre and post synaptic A2.. if only high post you need to stack EC, NYC or clen to get the NE raise.. the down regulation is stopped but you dont get the highly increased levels if only high post synaptic... still effective but just not (as posted above .. miraculous..)..
IMHO it is to be looked at rather as an enabler than a burner (though it does enhance and hasted fat burning).. its main benefit lies in the ability to access and use stubborn fat.. ie. areas that are very slow to go.. or that hang around after all else is removed...
So then have you used it macrophage? Im not real keen on the post A2 blah stuff to tell you the truth. What exactly is that?
To get a high pre synapt. you need to stack w/ clen? How would you get a high post synapt.? Or etter yet how can you optimize your results?
YES...Originally posted by MacGyver
So then have you used it macrophage? Im not real keen on the post A2 blah stuff to tell you the truth. What exactly is that?
To get a high pre synapt. you need to stack w/ clen? How would you get a high post synapt.? Or etter yet how can you optimize your results?
well the A2 proliferation is an unfortunate reality from a fat loss standpoint.. a great evolutionary step for the feast or famine generation.. just not too helpful now
A2 is like the breaks for fat burning... NE (norepinephrine) hits it and lipid mobilization STOPS...
if you are high post synaptic.. breaks hit hard.. if you add yohimbine no breaks.. but not a whole lot of gas either.. so thus the addition of NYC, EC or CLen
if you are high presynaptic and post.. and you add yohimbine no breaks and noticably more gas. but you still benefit from the stacking..
this can vary from tissue to tissue... some tissues only high post.. some high both sides of synapse...
that clear it up?
I didnt like it.
not sure if this was asked, but did you stack it? Know that you were using the original.Originally posted by poppapump58
I didnt like it.
oK SO i REALLY WANT TO USE IT FOR THE LOVEHANDLES (damn caps)because through out the past 3 years bodyfat has stayed about the same but the handles have increased. I porbably have to get rid of them every three years somehow. Through dieting and cardio they are the last spot to go.
How would I go about optimizing the Yo for this spot. Also the nipple area for slight gyno?
I have to ask, because I read your posts over at elite, how are you tied w/ Yohimburn? A vested interest isnt necess bad its just something to consider.
Whats PoppaPump, hey how come you didnt like it? What did it not do for you.
I think it might of worked for the time being but I was also taking T3 and Clen. If you were to do yohimburn by itself I would say you are wasting your money. I have been in countless arguements over yohimburn and its effectiveness. Im not the only one who feels this way either. A couple of my buddies have tried it by itself and achieved no results period. I would spend your money on T3 and Clen or a good ECA stack. Im not saying it will not work for you, but if your interested in losing some bodyfat I would go with the above stated instead of yohimburn.
Ok thanks bro.
Im still so curious! Im gonna have to try it next month.
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