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Thread: Mixing

  1. #1


    I hate sneaking juice across the border. I heard from a friend if you clean out a sun screen bottle well enough w/ alchol it would be ok to transfer the juice into the sunscreen bottle w/ a needle and then once you get back home you put the juice back into an old bottle. Would that be ok?

    Also, what roids would be ok to mix in the same bottle? I was thinking test and norandren would be ok. Matbe sus. and sugestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    OR... you could do what most do and simply mail it back to yourself in multiple packages.... little more safe than trying to pull a 'king pin'....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Detroit, MI
    Why not just go the easy way and open your gas tank and weld a little compartment

  4. #4
    ok guys but what I really need to know is what roids you can mix or would be safe to mix together in the same bottle and also I asked if that method would work, not other ways to sneak it across but thanks for the sugestions

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    London Baby!
    Anti, Dont mix any roids. Listen to what the bros said. Putting them in a sunscreen bottle sounds like a plan til you try and do it. Alcohol or not, its unsanitary. You are just asking for an infection. Just mail the chit back to yourself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    I agree- you want to keep things as sanitary as possible.

  7. #7
    ok well tell me this, isnt mailing it illegal. Wont the post office find out that their is roids in the box or whatever it is i send them in. I mean ever sience the anthrax chit dont they screen mail. I would get in fucking trouble right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    guys, keep the drug smuggling to a minimum!! this is not really the place for it. Your best bet is to try and send it if your thinking about this. Yes mixing oil is ok but I wouldnt recommend it for the action your partaking in. And one more thing if you get caught, you will be in trouble. Maybe find some native from the town and have them send it??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    South Carolina
    hey bro WTF do you think they your mail? Use x-ray vision? Come on man.....if you got the balls to do the shit....use them to send some gear through the mail. Do you think they go through everything???

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