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Thread: 800mgs test E and PCT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    800mgs test E and PCT

    If you run test E and 800mgs a week would you start your PCT 3 weeks after your last pin rather then 2?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You are running 800mg of Test , and you are asking this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mastablasta7 View Post
    If you run test E and 800mgs a week would you start your PCT 3 weeks after your last pin rather then 2?
    why? dosage is not dependent on how long it takes the ester to leave your body...
    start 2 weeks after last pin

  4. #4
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    Jun 2010
    i am not on 800mgs but my next cycle i will be. The half life is 10 days so on 500mgs a week the test in your body will be less then if you were on 800-1000mgs a week.

  5. #5
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    Jun 2010
    I am confused on your logic...
    Dose does not change the half-life of a compound.
    Half-life of test e is about 7.5 days, not 10. Active life is around 14-15 days

  6. #6
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    14 days after last pin, why are you complicateing this!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by themoreyouknow View Post
    why? dosage is not dependent on how long it takes the ester to leave your body...
    start 2 weeks after last pin
    Read the second post*

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    i am no where even close to the knowledge you are and i believe what is said in this thread you linked. that being said, i find it very hard to wrap my head around that

  9. #9
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    I don't like those times listed at all. Those are elimination half-lives, which is really more like the active life. Plasma half-life for Test E is closer to 5-8 days, depending on the individual.
    BigBench can explain this all really well. He's a mod at TSC and also just signed up at OLM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    14 days after last pin, why are you complicateing this!
    Let me give and example so you guys can better understand what i am saying.

    Man A is on 500mgs of test so if he starts his PCT 10 days later he will still have 250mgs of test in his body since the half life is 10days.

    Man B is on 1500mgs of test so if he starts his PCT 10 days later he will still have 750mgs of test in his body.

    So in other words why would you start PCT when you still have alot of test left in your body after 10-14days

  11. #11
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    upstate ny
    im lost

  12. #12
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    I could be wrong... but from all that I have read, I believe that line of thought while true in many cases ( lots of compounds are stored in fat throughout the body this means the more that is present the longer clearence takes) is not the same when dealing with esters on steroids they act by slowing the release of drugs locally into the bloodstream so the amounts used do not significantly affect how long they remain in the body.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    im lost
    LOL it aint rocket science dude. I really want to purchase Williams book, have not got around to it yet, possibly he will release 2010 than i get that.

    Btw top post.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    do you have references for that?
    For almost every medicine active life is independent of dose.
    Just because you are running a higher concentration of test I don't see how that would effect the active life...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by themoreyouknow View Post
    do you have references for that?
    For almost every medicine active life is independent of dose.
    Just because you are running a higher concentration of test I don't see how that would effect the active life...
    Talk to Swifto about it, and no I don't have any references. But it makes perfect sense in my eyes for a guy running 2000g's of Test vs 250mg a week that the higher dose will decline much slower than the lower dose. Common sense really, but if you want an in depth answer, he'll help you out.....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Talk to Swifto about it, and no I don't have any references. But it makes perfect sense in my eyes for a guy running 2000g's of Test vs 250mg a week that the higher dose will decline much slower than the lower dose. Common sense really, but if you want an in depth answer, he'll help you out.....
    You are correct. From my understanding if you are taking a larger amount it will have more in your system at the 1/2 life time but at the full time of clearance it's the same. If the half life is 2 weeks then 4 weeks it should all be gone no matter how much you where taking still.

    This is a pretty good read. It's confusing at first until they give the example of the squash. lol

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the link bud.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Thanks for the link bud.
    Not a problem, it was a good question and after reading it I wanted to find a clear legitimate explanation myself. This was the best example I could find in short notice. We are all (most of us) here to help.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Talk to Swifto about it, and no I don't have any references. But it makes perfect sense in my eyes for a guy running 2000g's of Test vs 250mg a week that the higher dose will decline much slower than the lower dose. Common sense really, but if you want an in depth answer, he'll help you out.....
    that's understandable...the half-life is not going to change but the amount of test in ones system will be different.
    It also relies on a lot of other factors..age, race, other medicines taken, enzyme saturation ect.

  20. #20
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    Aug 2009
    Holy shit! Did anyone else notice the section about hepatic drug clearance?

    "Hepatic Drug Clearance

    Many drugs are extensively metabolised by the liver. The rate of elimination depends on 1) The liver's inherent ability to metabolise the drug, 2) the amount of drug presented to the liver for metabolism. This is important because drugs administered orally are delivered from the gut to the portal vein to the liver: the liver gobbles up a varying chunk of the administered drug (pre-systemic elimination) and less is available to the body for theraputic effect. This is why you have to give a higher dose of morphine, for examole, orally, than intravenously.

    Hepatic drug clearance (i.e. the amount of each drug gobbled up by the liver) depends on:

    1) The Intrinsic clearance (Cl int).

    2) Hepatic blood flow.

    These two factors are independent of one another, and their combined effect is the proportion of drug gobbled up: the extraction ratio.

    For drugs that have a low intrinsic clearance, this effect can be increased by giving a second agent that boosts the effect of the liver's enzyme system; these are enzyme inducers. Examples of such drugs are cigarettes, antiepileptics (carbamazepine & phenytoin), rifampicin, griseofulvin, alcohol and spironolactone (CAR GAS) [also barbiturates]. Consequnetly if a drug addict is given rifampicin or tuberculosis, a higher dose of heroin is required for the same effect. Enzyme inhibitors have the opposite effect: examples are flagyl, allopurinol, cimetidine, erythromycin, dextropropoxyphene, imipramine, (the) pill (FACE DIP)."

    So smoking cigarettes actually increases the hepatotoxicity of methylated oral steroids while simultaneously lowering their effects by increasing enzyme activity. As does alcohol, but we've always known that drinking and orals don't mix...
    Interesting article.

  21. #21
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    The TT level of someone on 2.5g/wk exogenous testosterone will take longer to decline than someone on 500mg/wk taken for the same peroid. Regardless of the ester being cleaved off. Thus changing their PCT start time.

    Dose, duration, and other factors I'm looking into now, such as Bf%, LBM, age, genetics, diet, organ function, etc... All may effect the TT level.

    A clue is that some on HRT need more doses than other to hit the "normal" ranges of HRT patients (600-1000ng/dl). One may be fine on 100mg/wk, another may need 150mg/wk to reach the same values.

    We can only estimate (unless BW is taken) the start date, but there is an upward curve (100%) of someone on MORE androgens starting PCT later.

    This applies to exogenous testosterone (TT levels). If PCT is times wrong by the user and a compound, such as Tren or Deca are still active in the system they will reduce TT levels, possibly brining PCT forward. Again, dose/duration play a role.

    HCG can push TT up too.

    This can get quite complicated...

    A start date, is not just a start date.
    Last edited by Swifto; 11-01-2010 at 08:46 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Interesting to say the least eh? I never smoke, never will.

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