Last edited by KomaDose; 11-01-2010 at 08:14 PM.
You don't need AAS to lose weight, nor will they help much in your case.
They're useful for guys who are already well build and trying to get to a real low bodyfat without losing much muscle mass. You just need a better diet and more cardio (and possibly T3 or T4 if you have hypothyroidism).
Last edited by KomaDose; 11-01-2010 at 08:14 PM.
Well, without going too much into your macros and specific stuff, your diet looks more suitable for a bulk than a cut. Steak? That's a great bulker, but not a great idea if you're overweight and trying to cut. Same with ham. Stir-fry sounds pretty fatty... Stick to grilled chicken breast and brown rice as much as possible. And like I already said, get your thyroid levels checked out. You might need some T3.
Take this over to the diet section and post your diet in further detail. There are plenty of diet Nazis there that will be more than happy to tear it apart and set you up with something that will actually work.
Last edited by Bonaparte; 10-30-2010 at 01:27 AM.
sounds dangerous to me ... life is more important. dont be so dam hard on yourself bro..im in pretty decent shape and im still juggling the idea at 38 yrs old. dont ever jump into this with out prepping your body and diet this is no magic pill.300 at 6'4 you can realy build on that first than see if this is what you want.id work out for a while 1rst
thats a lot of carbs,
shrimp is not an ideal choice of sea food-imo
and ham is full of salt and fat
and you don't see a problem with your diet....hmmm
i'm not flameing but dude you need a new diet, head over to the diet form post that diet and your goals and get ready for some serious feedback.
good luck
Last edited by KomaDose; 11-01-2010 at 08:14 PM.
I know all too well about being obese. I used to be 300lbs at 6'2" like 3yrs ago. I changed my diet to very high in lean proteins and tons of H2O and dropped weight very easily (hard boiled egg whites, chicken breast no skin, ground turkey) and 'picked' instead of eating meals. I guess I was eating like 15-20 meals per day (picking at those lean proteins and drinking lots of water). I got myself down to 260 pretty fast with no cardio.
Most all the other guys know more about diet, exercise, steroids, etc than me but based on what your lifting, and your height and weight I'd guesstimate that you should shoot for getting down to about 230lbs while continuing to lift weights and changing your diet, possibly increasing cardio, possibly considering a little help with something like T3 or alli (pills bought at wallgreens, cvs, etc that you can take if and when u eat a meal moderate to high in fat as you continue to try to improve your diet, the pill takes some of the fat out of what you ate and u poop it out rather than adsorbing in into your body- it is NOT a long term solution but might help as you move yourself down from morbidly obese (I know that's a tough label but I used to be morbidly obese as well).
You have the advantage of youth on me bro, I'm 43, you have plenty of time to transform your body. Focus on doing it one meal at a time right now, get help from the diet section like others have said, congrats on getting here. These guys know what they are talking about. I know all too well what it's like to want to change drastically and very quickly but at 300lbs your health should be your priority, changing your lifestyle is where I would focus on (nutrition, exercise) as these are the things you are going to have to be consistent with over the years in order to maintain a reasonable body fat level over the years. It's a lot easier to diet and drop weight than to change your nutritional intake and being consistent with it so that you loose and then maintain a healthy weight.
You could be buff as a mo fo and tight and ripped at my age with no steroids at all. You should feel thankful your doing this at your age instead of mine. Good luck and welcome.
Last edited by KomaDose; 11-01-2010 at 08:15 PM.
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