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Thread: first time cycle, looking for size gains

  1. #1

    first time cycle, looking for size gains

    this is my first cycle and i want to know what would be best for size gains that i can keep. i was thinking about test enanthate and winny but i dont think that it is the best for a size gain. please let me know what you think. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Need to post your age/stats current bodyfat.. Then let us know your goals.. I know you said put on mass but at what weight and stuff.. Also start researching cycles with enanthate.. You should get a lot of feedback.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    a stack of deca/sust would be good for size and keeping gains. it all depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how frequent you want to inject. using test in a cycle will bump up frequency of injects to ED or EOD depending on how you run it. like cock diesel said, post stats so we can have a better idea of what you are looking for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by daem
    a stack of deca/sust would be good for size and keeping gains. it all depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how frequent you want to inject. using test in a cycle will bump up frequency of injects to ED or EOD depending on how you run it. like cock diesel said, post stats so we can have a better idea of what you are looking for.
    daem, you might be confusing him. a long acting test wont require ED or EOD injects, enthalate or cypionate you can get away with twice-weekly or even once weekly injects. also, if you just want raw mass, id say deca/test/ dbol.... but we need stats and a history from you to help.

  5. #5
    I am 18 and am 6'0 163lbs, my current bodyfat is roughly 12%. I am looking to bump my wieght up to the 185lbs range. I would like to inject twice a week if possible. If there is anything else you need to know just let me know. Thank You

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I wouldn't do test for you first cycle if you only 18. Try deca/d-bol cycle. That should give good results for first time user. run 600mg deca per week and 35 d-bols ed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by Numbness399
    I am 18 and am 6'0 163lbs, my current bodyfat is roughly 12%. I am looking to bump my wieght up to the 185lbs range. I would like to inject twice a week if possible. If there is anything else you need to know just let me know. Thank You

    bro your not ready for the juice...look my poem up..."this is for all the teens on this board"...Madmax...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    600mg deca per week? Man - don't you think that is a little high for a first timer at 18? Why not 400mg a week with dbol?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Originally posted by strollin
    I wouldn't do test for you first cycle if you only 18. Try deca/d-bol cycle. That should give good results for first time user. run 600mg deca per week and 35 d-bols ed.
    That's some bad advice bro ! First off , I would reccommend protein and some hard training and if I was going to give him advice on deca , it sure as hell wouldn't be 600mg to start for his first cycle. Dud e stay away from juice just hit the gym , protein and creatine and come back in a couple years. Seriously your way to young !

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I was only saying deca because it's lite and he's young. Thats why I said no test. Deca has low side effects. I said d-bol cause at his age his liver should be in great condition. Your right he shouldn't be using any AS at he's age but if he's going to we should atleast help him out. Knowlege is power. If you don't agree with 600mg thats cool but thats why were all here to hear each others point of view!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by strollin
    I was only saying deca because it's lite and he's young. Thats why I said no test. Deca has low side effects. I said d-bol cause at his age his liver should be in great condition. Your right he shouldn't be using any AS at he's age but if he's going to we should atleast help him out. Knowlege is power. If you don't agree with 600mg thats cool but thats why were all here to hear each others point of view!

    bro your opinion is in the minority here...please od some research before making suggestions likie flame bro...just want you to realize that we shouldn't help teens that come to this board and want to juice..we should give them alternatives...Madmax..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    Originally posted by Slypknot
    600mg deca per week? Man - don't you think that is a little high for a first timer at 18? Why not 400mg a week with dbol?

    400mg of d-bol will kill you...even though i know you meant 40mg....teens have no reason to juice would be better for you to explain how he should stay natural....just a thought bro...hes 18...his endocriune system is still very fragile...Madmax..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    also, deca is not low in side effects. it shuts you down very hard. especially for an 18 year old kid. dude, if you like banging HS chicks dont use deca, you wont get a hard on for a few months. be smart and wait a few years, at least 2 or 3.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    boom town
    Originally posted by monstercojones1
    also, deca is not low in side effects. it shuts you down very hard. especially for an 18 year old kid. dude, if you like banging HS chicks dont use deca, you wont get a hard on for a few months. be smart and wait a few years, at least 2 or 3.

    good call bro....Madmax..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    look I know you guys are trying to help and I know you said no flame but telling me to do more research does have me at odds. I've done more research then most of the people on this board. And I'll say it again. I know that he's is too young for AS. He's here to learn and telling him to stick with protien and createin is not helping him. Any one can pick up a mag and learn the benifets of that stuff. He's here to learn about AS and thats what we should tell him about. Your threads telling me I'm wrong are not helping him at all! I'm not trying to diss on any body I'm sure you guys all are experienced in the matter but it's the same with parenting if you tell your kids not to have sex there still going to, you have to inform them and let them decide. Once again I'M NOT TRYING TO PISS ANYONE OFF. I'm just saying lets help him before he does it on his own and fucks up.

  16. #16
    I've been talking to some people and they are telling me to definetly do a test cycle or a deca cycle. I need some advice because I'm going to do it very soon and I need to know what I should buy and how much. Please tell me what you think. Thank You

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    test w1-8 500mg

  18. #18
    I am picking up some Russian Sust so now i need advice on how frequently to inject. Thanks

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    this has all been posted before. look up the SUST AND WHY YOU SHOULDNT USE IT thread. then look up deca. see how people normally stack them.

    if you are going to do a cycle regardless than make sure you eat a whole lot. Actually, if you are tryin to bulk with or without juice you should always eat a lot. diet is really the key here bro. AAS is not a miracle drug....just know that

    good luck

  20. #20
    If i shouldnt take sust then which steroid should i take for my first cycle? Im tired of waiting around so I am gonna inject some type of steroid regardless so I really need some help on choosing one. Please let me know what you think I should choose. Thank You

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Your makin a big mistake bro... Yeah you will be the man for 3 months, but wait until you cant get your dick up in bed. Shit I was the BMOC w/o juice in High School, you know why? Cause I trained hard and worked my ass off naturally. I set school records in lifting because I was dedicated. I was respected by teachers and students because I didnt juice. I didnt take the easy way out. We take AAS on here because it's a supplement. Our bodies are matured enough to take them without doing harm to our systems. Your natural test level is high enough. We take TEST to boost our testoterone levels of about an 18 year old. Does that make sense? We can help you get big naturally.. You just have to be dedicated enough. But if you are willing to screw the rest of your life up by not waiting and doing a cycle now then I must say good luck. Because you are really gonna need it when you get off bro...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Originally posted by Numbness399
    If i shouldnt take sust then which steroid should i take for my first cycle? Im tired of waiting around so I am gonna inject some type of steroid regardless so I really need some help on choosing one. Please let me know what you think I should choose. Thank You
    Your not gonna get any info bro.. Most all members are gonna tell you what I just did. So don't ask for advice, because our advice is to wait for at least 2 years..

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    2 years at least

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, Texas
    You need to relax and not jump into shooting. You seem like your weight is a little low for being 6'. Have you had trouble all your life with putting weight on? I just think you need to maybe take a look at your eating habits first. Even if you do gain some weight from the AS. You are going to loose it after you get off if you cant give your body what it needs to keep the gains. I rushed into my first cycle not knowing very much. Not knowing about clomid, length of cycle, or injection times. Make sure you have lifted for a while and you are at a platue.

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