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  1. #1
    yerrr is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    dutasteride quest.

    What's the normal dose for dutasteride on cycle? I'm seeing alot of different info, but .5 ed?

    When would you guys begin taking it for a test E cycle? I don't even know if I'm prone to hairloss but this is my first cycle and I'm not trying to find out. I have real fine/soft irish hair lol. I'm thinking about almost starting out with prop for 2 weeks till the E kicks in to see if it effects my hair at all.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Here's the problem: crushing your 5a-reductase enzymes will cause a host of other issues (lowered libido, less strength and hardness, more prone to estrogenic side effects and gyno).
    And you won't know if you're prone to hairloss unless you use a harsh compound and give it at least a month, since once you kill a healthy hair-follicle, it generally will take a month to fall out on it own.
    And you can't tell if you're genetically pre-disposed based on your hair type. I would just keep the dutasteride on hand and start the cycle. If you start noticing a bunch of hairloss, then you can jump on the dutast.

    BTW, if you're a ginger you might just want to go ahead and shave that shit off, since you'd probably look better bald. :P JK

  3. #3
    fig's Avatar
    fig is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Here's the problem: crushing your 5a-reductase enzymes will cause a host of other issues (lowered libido, less strength and hardness, more prone to estrogenic side effects and gyno).
    And you won't know if you're prone to hairloss unless you use a harsh compound and give it at least a month, since once you kill a healthy hair-follicle, it generally will take a month to fall out on it own.
    And you can't tell if you're genetically pre-disposed based on your hair type. I would just keep the dutasteride on hand and start the cycle. If you start noticing a bunch of hairloss, then you can jump on the dutast.

    BTW, if you're a ginger you might just want to go ahead and shave that shit off, since you'd probably look better bald. :P JK

  4. #4
    yerrr is offline New Member
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    no not a ginger lol, so if I'm running test e, will I not notice anything till about week 6 then? and will it be alot at once or gradually? whats the general consensus on hair loss on 500mg test e? I don't have any now and my father and grandparents didn't lose hair till 50's. but I have a kinda naturally high hairline so I'm paranoid.

    maybe I'll just start the cycle and use niz shampoo just incase

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just do what I already suggested. And yeah, you could certainly add in whatever topical androgen blockers you want.

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