well new to site , looking for some advice reallylook at the threads of one rip all over net but not seen the problem ive had so....... just started taking onerip in last two weeks and started getting gyno or some form of pain and lump were i have had in past (about 5 months ago) on a course but went with tomoxifen, seem to have a little tissue under left nipple but not huge but painful, as soon as i notice i started taking tamoxifen and been 6/7 days now and still sore may be worse, mate just got me some aromasin and said this should help 10mg ED. so started this yesterday, just conserned of the lump and will this go? should i still take tamoxifen with aromasin (how long does it take aromasin to kick in read 62 hours) and heard that tren and tamoxifen is a no no but why does it give u gyno??? lump may be from the test or tren in onerip. What is best from here as i still have 7 weeks to go on onerip and never taken aromasin before? Is it best to just bin the course and if so as i only been on it 2 weeks how long should i take the aromasin and do i need anything else to cure this lump i heard of this letro will but no idea of any1 round me using or getting it this is why my mate got me some aromisin as he said this will hopefully remove it. with being on the course so little will i need any after PCT? cheers