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Thread: Controlling Facial bloat on heavy cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Controlling Facial bloat on heavy cycle

    Hey my last cycle bloated my face pretty cycle I'd say about 60-70% of the bloat subsided, but some of it is still here...

    I got blood work done for Test and Estrogen

    Test: 29 Range for adult male: [14-40]
    Estrogen: 63 Range: [20-150]

    I assumed I've recoverd well?

    I'm running the following cycle:

    1-14 750mg Test E EW
    1-4 50m Abombs ED
    8-14 25mg Winstrol ED
    8-14 75mg Tren ace EOD

    Bulking from weeks 8 weeks, and doing a cut for the last 6 weeks. The thing is I think my face has lost all its water, but because its been bloated for so long the skin is almost I assume this will go back to normal in a couple months..but I gotta make sure my face does not bloat again during my cycle. I'm at bout 12% BF...and I dont plan on letting my BF rise..and It should drop to about 10% with the last 6 weeks of my cycle.

    I do not have Adex or aromasin. I have Nolvadex which I can use during cycle. PCT I'm running 6 weeks standard Nolvadex/Clomid. So back to controlling facial bloat during cycle. I can grab some proviron, at what dose what I have to run proviron to control facial bloat? since adex/aromison are not avaialble to me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    get some adex/aromasin from AR

  3. #3
    go with the aromasin/exemestane, best ai during cycle imo.

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