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Thread: Guys i need urgent help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Squat Rack

    Guys i need urgent help!

    Hopefully i am over-reacting and its normal. I tried searching the net for some answers but could only find one relitive article.

    Ok heres the issue, i took my first dose of Test C on Monday. I did a pretty big session this morning (Thursday). About an hour ago my body temp dropped and my forehead has gone blotchy red evenly on both sides and is a lil bit sore and hot. Also skin on the top of my chest is a lil red too.

    Ive got some Adex on the way due to arive next week but im stressin out and hoping that this is not signs of cronic skin problems to come.

    (Note: i have never suffered from X-ma or Acne, but i have fairly sensitive skin)

    What should i do

  2. #2
    You say.. What should I do?..

    I say.. Have a hot bath.. Stressing will only make it worse

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    So do you feel like you're coming down with a flu, or does your skin just look weird?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Squat Rack
    well i just took my multivitamin about 1 hour before and ive been sneezing and ichy throught a lil bit.. i just got over flu and cold so it wont be that...
    the readness is sore and hot and im thinkin i might just grab some anti hystamines... im thinkin that it may not be a side from the Test as i injected 3 days ago...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Could be am allergic reaction, carefully go over your day and think if you ate or wore something different.
    Did you change soaps or laundry detergents anything you can think of that may have been different.
    Or it coiled be your body reacting to the foreign substance (test). I would give it 24 hours to clear before seeing a doctor providing there is no high fever, chills, or blood pressure elevation or drop
    Last edited by MBMETC; 11-04-2010 at 06:56 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    anxiety bro.chill out watch the signs,a little acne or rash wont kill ya .watch blood pressure and dont forget diet/sleep

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Squat Rack
    Thanks guys, i do stress a bit..

    So 24 hours has passed and there is a definite improvement.
    It seems to flare up when i get hot and my sweat ducts in my forehead are opening. Ive been to the chemist and got some Anti-hystamines and took one at lunch today.
    As for diet its pretty spot on and nothing has changed and clothing also.
    It seems to cover very evenly down each side of my forehead and finishes exactly half an inch above my brow. the middle is fine. It looks identical to sunburn and is flat with not a single bump or lump.
    I have come to the conclusion that it is either:

    1. i have reasonably sensitive skin so sensitive glands and skin on my forehead unable to cope with the increase in oil in my skin due to my cypionate.

    2. allergic reaction to my cypionate, or increased estrogen due to aromitization.

    3. allergic reaction to my multivitamin i took about 1 hour previous to it flaring up yesterday afternoon.

    Hopefully its just one of those things and nothing serious and hopefully my body can adapt to it naturally...ill c how i go and if it doesnt feel any better by tommorow ill go see the doc
    geez farken first 3 days and straight up i get a friken rash on my forehead lol..

  8. #8
    i don't think it's 1, cause you shouldn't have those sides just yet... your 1st pin was on mon
    it could be 2 but i would think you would have shown an allergic reaction to the test-c earlier, and i doubt this is estrogen related

    i say when you're feelin' better you pop half a multi vitamin and see what happens... just have the phone nearby in case something bad happens :P

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Relax bro your going to have a stroke.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    3. allergic reaction to my multivitamin i took about 1 hour previous to it flaring up yesterday afternoon

    very possible
    clad to hear your better, stay calm.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Squat Rack
    Thanks boys.. woke up this morning and 90% clear so its obviously cant be too bad..
    Thanks for the advice really helped calm me down alot..


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    not a big deal, u will be ok, what u experiencing simply means your gear is legit and it start kicking in your system

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