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  1. #1
    Toretto is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010

    From fit to Flabby now I'm 34 and want to be fit again.

    I want to start off by saying thank you to anyone who helps. I have worked out ( religiously)my whole life from middle school up until i hit 30.I took 1-2 lite cycles when i was younger sus 250 by it self. In my mid 20's i was doing alot of strenght training and i was in excellent shape. I wasnt on any juice. Now that i am 34 married two kids I still work out 3 days aweek and do cardio( swim,run) and i do watch what I eat the weight is just not comming off. I am solid underneith my fat. I'm 5'9 225 I dont want to get big, i want to be trimmed and athletic looking. I was wondering if winstrol and deca would be a good combination to kick start my body fat loss? also to keep it to a minium when im off the cycle? Also I am not sure on any pct, if you can help thank you.

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    diet and cardio are the 2 strongest fat burners avalible, and besides winstrol and deca is a bad cycle. all cycles should include test because of shut down.
    welcome to the board and hang around and visit all sections of the board you will learn alot by being a fly on the wall

  3. #3
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    im 5'9 194 and im at 16%bf down from 18 tring to clean out for a cycle.being overweight alittle as far as bf%give or take a few / whats your stats. you have to watch blood pressure

  4. #4
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    diet and cardio are the 2 strongest fat burners avalible, and besides winstrol and deca is a bad cycle. all cycles should include test because of shut down.
    welcome to the board and hang around and visit all sections of the board you will learn alot by being a fly on the wall
    Agree. It is never to late to get back into the game buddy.

  5. #5
    Br0dy69 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2010
    Keep working hard man. You'll get the results you want from good diet and good training. Up your time you spend on cardio for that extra fat

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