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  1. #1
    theD is offline New Member
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    Estrogen and Testosterone silly questions

    Just trying to understand some really basic stuff and I have not been able to find a real straight answer. So please bear with these simple questions:

    If you inject testosterone you run the chance of increasing estrogen levels. More test more estrogen and as I understand it (sides not considered) is that estrogen basically cancels test out, or is that too simplistic? If not, then for arguments sake if you increased your test by 100 and also injected 110 of estrogen would you then have a net negative -10 test and actually run the risk of losing muscle in the process?

    I ask this as I recently started test shots 200ml weekly for t-replacement and my strength went up dramatically. Then I went to 400ml weekly for a short test it out cycle and my strength went down, though my estradiol went through the roof (74.2 on a scale of 7.6-42.6).

    Also, everywhere I read says that some estrogen is necessary to gain muscle but not how much. Should it always be in that normal range or does it need to be elevated beyond the normal range much like the testosterone but not as much?

  2. #2
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Interesting perspectives.

    Quote Originally Posted by theD View Post
    Just trying to understand some really basic stuff and I have not been able to find a real straight answer. So please bear with these simple questions:

    If you inject testosterone you run the chance of increasing estrogen levels. More test more estrogen and as I understand it (sides not considered) is that estrogen basically cancels test out, or is that too simplistic?
    False. Test and estro maintain a delicate balance within the body. They both have set points, or levels (actually ranges) that the body considers normal, just like respiration, blood pressure, temperature, etc. When these levels are thrown out of sync (regardless of cause) they incite numerous physiological and sometimes homeostatic responses/consequences. You can't simply increase one, like your income and then increase the other like your expenditures, because its not possible to accurately control the estro change. But when estro is known to be elevated you can reduce it via AIs or prevent absorption via SERMS (preferred by the receptors).

    If not, then for arguments sake if you increased your test by 100 and also injected 110 of estrogen would you then have a net negative -10 test and actually run the risk of losing muscle in the process?
    False. This type of thinking fails to consider, and thereby allow for synergy. Such things are much less mathematical (additive in your example) and far more synergistic. Think of it as you would the baking. Mathematically, a cake that takes 30mins at 350 degrees, would be fine if the time was halved (15mins) and the temp doubled (700 degrees), but said cake would surely burn. Simple equations fail here because of certain intangible variables.

    I ask this as I recently started test shots 200ml weekly for t-replacement and my strength went up dramatically. Then I went to 400ml weekly for a short test it out cycle and my strength went down, though my estradiol went through the roof (74.2 on a scale of 7.6-42.6).
    Understandably so.

    Also, everywhere I read says that some estrogen is necessary to gain muscle but not how much.
    True. Unfortunately, people often think of test and estro as opposites rather than the compliments that they truly are. Like the two different sides of a single coin, both are required to make up the whole. Thus both are needed for the body to operate properly, which includes gear-induced anabolic growth.

    Should it always be in that normal range or does it need to be elevated beyond the normal range much like the testosterone but not as much?
    The nuances of how your physiology responds to superphysical amounts of test is extremely individual, having more to do with your own genetics than anything else. Thus one person’s estro may spike when another’s stays within range; one might experience gyno symptoms from a single oral only cycle while another can run excessive amounts of injectable cocktails for years without incidence. That is to say there is no truly ‘normal’ when it comes to hormonal changes within individuals. This is clearly evidenced in such areas as birth control, thyroidal manipulation, and many other tx and therapeutic hormonal alterations…the doctor has to work with the patient to properly customize the drug or combination of drugs with the dosage to find the ideal each individual.

    With regards to how much...ideally, as much as possible while still preventing the more severe negative side effects.

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  3. #3
    theD is offline New Member
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    Thanks, though not so much a perspective, but rather just trying to establish a mental base.

    From your response I get the feeling that much of this is person independent, suggesting lots of test it and re-test it methodology until you find what really works for yourself. And since test and estrogen are complementary its a balance thing until you start experiencing sides at which point you would reduce and re-test so to speak. Which all makes sense, though i wish it were a bit simpler for the initial stages.

    Would it also be fair to assume that the loss in strength during the test it out cycle was probably more due to a test/estrogen mis-balance. In that estrogen got out of control? Which if so kind of makes me happy that I did a short test to see what would happen before jumping in all the way.

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