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  1. #1
    pfunk222269 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Does anyone know a Proven way to regrow hair?

    This was asked on other forums I have been on. I would like to know if anyone has ever used a product that ACTUALLY regrew hair on their head, after it had been lost.

  2. #2
    turk1968 is offline Associate Member
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    My friend if anyone knew that then they could boast of having more money than Bill Gates!!! Hair loss comes with age (some more than others ) and high androgen levels . Im 48 and ,how should we say, slightly thin on the top ! but also 270 lbs . Knowone ever say the "the bald guy" its always "the big guy." . I tried all the shampoos etc available and didnt notice any difference other than a smaller wallet. Bes of luck in your search , i will be watching and hoping.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Hair transplants. That's it.

  4. #4
    ADB007's Avatar
    ADB007 is offline Associate Member
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    Propecia. My hair started falling out pretty fast. started using propecia everyday and my hair grew back. i now have a full head of hair and I am still on propecia. I will never go off.

    There are a few generic brands as well:

    they all work the same

  5. #5
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    did your hair fall out geneticaly or the juice

  6. #6
    ADB007's Avatar
    ADB007 is offline Associate Member
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    My dad and both uncles all went bald before the age of 25.
    I started receding at 22 and thats when I jumped on the propecia. My hair grew back thick and it is still thick. It actually grows too fast for my liking

  7. #7
    smalltime7 is offline Member
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    whats the cheapest place does anyone know? and do you have to have a script?

  8. #8
    pfunk222269 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ADB007 View Post
    Propecia. My hair started falling out pretty fast. started using propecia everyday and my hair grew back. i now have a full head of hair and I am still on propecia. I will never go off.

    There are a few generic brands as well:

    they all work the same
    so, could you just use finastride alone, since its the active ingredient?

    and, how much per dose? how many doses a week? etc

  9. #9
    awesome1's Avatar
    awesome1 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by turk1968 View Post
    My friend if anyone knew that then they could boast of having more money than Bill Gates!!! Hair loss comes with age (some more than others ) and high androgen levels . Im 48 and ,how should we say, slightly thin on the top ! but also 270 lbs . Knowone ever say the "the bald guy" its always "the big guy." . I tried all the shampoos etc available and didnt notice any difference other than a smaller wallet. Bes of luck in your search , i will be watching and hoping.
    right on

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Just shave it off. If your head is the right shape it will look good.

  11. #11
    mwilkinson's Avatar
    mwilkinson is offline Associate Member
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    this 65yr old guy at work has been using rogain for the past couple years and no shit, it's noticably getting better. from completely mr. garrison bald to it filling it almost enough for a sweet comb over... he loves the shit

  12. #12
    pfunk222269 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ADB007 View Post
    My dad and both uncles all went bald before the age of 25.
    I started receding at 22 and thats when I jumped on the propecia. My hair grew back thick and it is still thick. It actually grows too fast for my liking
    what dose?

    how many times a week?

  13. #13
    pfunk222269 is offline Junior Member
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    what dose?

    how many times a week?

  14. #14
    Scabtree's Avatar
    Scabtree is offline Associate Member
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    From the side effects from propecia can "include impotence (1.1% to 18.5%), abnormal ejaculation (7.2%), decreased ejaculatory volume (0.9% to 2.8%), abnormal sexual function (2.5%), gynecomastia (2.2%), erectile dysfunction (1.3%), ejaculation disorder (1.2%) and testicular pain."

    Kinda like roids. But I would likely put up with most of those things rather that no hair.

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    shave it.You pretty boyz think its all about the hair!!!

  16. #16
    fig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfunk222269 View Post
    what dose?

    how many times a week?
    1mg / day
    Insurance won't cover Propecia (1mg finasteride) but if you talk to your doctor, he/she may be willing to prescribe Proscar (5mg finasteride), in which case insurance covers it and you just have to cut the pills into quarters.

    I'm always surprised by how many people have gotten doctors to prescribe Proscar; I was straight up with my doctor and he said no problem and I'm only 28. Shouldn't be too hard. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  17. #17
    fig's Avatar
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    Btw, finasteride won't necessarily regrow hair. In most it will keep the hair line where it is for a few years, for a small percentage it does nothing, and for a small percentage it regrows hair. Even if you're in that lucky percentile, don't expect magic.

    I think the people who have the best shot at regrowth are young people who just recently lost some hair but the follicles haven't quite died yet. Just my opinion, not fact.

    Also, you will eventually lose all of it no matter what you do.

    And since you are most likely looking to cycle, yes you can cycle while using finasteride, but it will inhibit your what degree varies from person to person. For me it's minuscule.

  18. #18
    pfunk222269 is offline Junior Member
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    wow, lots of info... thanks guys. I have liquid fina now, and have been taking it with orange juice since I read the first posts. Also adding the foam rogain before bed.

  19. #19
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwilkinson View Post
    this 65yr old guy at work has been using rogain for the past couple years and no shit, it's noticably getting better. from completely mr. garrison bald to it filling it almost enough for a sweet comb over... he loves the shit
    Is there anything sweet about a comb, thanks for giving me a laugh at 5:30 in the morning

  20. #20
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    And just to clarify, based on a comment above, don't look at your fathers hair as your basis. The gene causing MPB comes from your mother, so you are better off looking at her brothers or her father, unless your mothers bald too. Guess you would be in rough shape then : )

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