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Thread: letro isn't helping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Exclamation letro isn't helping

    guys I am using letro 2.5mg ed to recover gyno lump from last 28 days
    this lump is not shrinking
    1)how long I can run letro
    2)should I add anything else
    3)what is Forma-stanozolol
    4)what are Prolactin Inhibitors
    5)should I use any of them

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by kau View Post
    guys I am using letro 2.5mg ed to recover gyno lump from last 28 days
    this lump is not shrinking
    1)how long I can run letro You can run it for long periods of time. I've heard of people running it for 50+ days
    2)should I add anything else no.
    3)what is Forma-stanozolol It is an aromatase inhibitor
    4)what are Prolactin Inhibitors Ever heard of prolactin gyno? Same type of thing except that this type of gyno comes from dht, not estrogen.
    5)should I use any of them I don't know, how did you get this gyno? Is is steroid induced? and if so was the steroid a dht derivative?
    Last edited by CMB; 11-07-2010 at 04:01 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    did you use an ai while on cycle? i have heard of alot of succes with nolva but i think you might have to do it right after you notice. what was your cycle. yes i read a big article on forma-stanazolol i believe it does also work like letro as 4 th it reduce and cures gyno but i do not no anyone whos used it... i think its a new ai

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I've never tried Forma-stanozolol so I can't give you any real input on how effective it is .

    I always use an AI while on cycle to prevent gyno, water retention, and the tons of other nasty estrogen side effects.

    My cycle? Well, I've done a shit load of cycles and never got gyno. Not from one of them. I always ran an AI.

    In order for me to tell you how you can treat you gyno, I have to know what you got it from? Was it puberty ? Did you run a cycle ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    my cycle was given by my gym instructor
    after reading about steroids I know it was shit
    1 ,5,9 th day sustanon 250
    5-15 day 1ml of testo suspension
    15-35 alternate testo suspension 1ml
    1 ml x 5 equibol after 15 th day every 5 day

    for pct after 4 days
    clomid day 1 -300mg
    day 2-11 -100mg
    day 12-21 -50mg

    no ai
    I started letro 5 days before pct
    I am using letro from 30days now
    lump seems to be somewhat shrink
    should I drop letro to 2.5mg eod
    Last edited by kau; 11-08-2010 at 07:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    A dopamine agonist would be a prolactin inhibitor (no idea what CMB is talking about), like Caber or Prami.
    However, all you used was test and EQ (in a really ****ing retarded cycle), so your problem is merely estrogenic.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    ok guys I am running letro from 30 days the lump is shrinking
    I will continue with letro 2.5mg/day
    then I will start using nolva 20mg/10mg /day for week and taper down the letro
    I will taper it down by cutting it into 4 parts
    3 parts (1.875mg)
    3 parts (1.875mg)
    2 parts (1.25mg)
    2 parts (1.25mg)
    1 part (0.625mg)
    1 part (0.625mg)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    what you think about tapering

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Your plan is fine.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I have decided to run letro 1 more month then I will be running letro from 60 days
    so I will stop letro and will start tapering down letro and nolva

    1)how much nolva should I take 20mg/10mg /day for week when tapering down?

    2)should I start nolva with tapering or after tapering

    3)what you think about my method of tapering down the letro ?

    4)is it correct?

    I will taper it down by cutting it into 4 parts
    3 parts (1.875mg)
    3 parts (1.875mg)
    2 parts (1.25mg)
    2 parts (1.25mg)
    1 part (0.625mg)
    1 part (0.625mg)

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