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  1. #1
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    First Cycle Critique Requested

    I am 33. Bodyfat was 16% about 2 weeks ago And I have dropped about 5 lbs since then by a good diet and cardio. I have been lifting on and off for about 10 years but not seriously until the last 6 months. Here is what I have on hand for Gear and PCT.

    10ml-Pentadex 300 (Test)
    10ml-Nandrodex 300 (Deca )

    Proviron -4000mgs
    Nolvadex -1680mgs
    HCG -10,000 I.U.'S

    Proposed Cycle:
    Wk1: Deca-300ml/Pin once wk
    Wk2: Deca-300ml/Pin once wk
    Wk3-8: Deca-300ml & Test 300ml/Pin once wk
    -Start Proviron 50mgs & Nolvadex 20mgs ED
    Wk9-10:Test 300ml/Pin once wk (Stopped Deca at end of wk 8)
    -Continue Proviron 50mgs and Nolvadex 20mgs ED
    -Start HCG 500 I.U.'S every 3rd or 4th day to get the boys going (This way I don not have to blast them at the end of the cycle with high doses that might cause desensitization).
    -Discontinue HCG at the end of week 10
    -Continue Nolvadex 20mgs alone from the end of week 10 until PCT starts 3 weeks after last Sustanon pin.

    PCT: Start 21 days after last pin

    Day 1: 100mgs Nolvadex
    Next 15 days: 60mgs Nolvadex
    Next 14 days: 40mgs Nolvadex

    Ok so that's what I am thinking. I have tried to take the good with the bad and post what I think from what I have researched. And Yes I have read everything from filtering your gear to how to pin to cycle types to side effects and my brain is swimming. So I am taking a stab at my idea of what covers the bases. Please VETERANS take a look and tell me what you think. I want the least amount of sexual side effects possible. I have a fiancée with a high libido. I am willing to change or adjust cycle when someone with viable reasoning and experience suggests if it makes sense. I also thought about the same cycle minus the Deca. So by all means critique and give input. Any and all input from Veterans is appreciated and respected.

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    First cycle should be test only so you can see how your body reacts and you be aware of the sides from test, deca brings different sides and you will not be able to determain which compound is giving you the sides and may not be treated correctly. Test only first cycle

  3. #3
    F-Genetics's Avatar
    F-Genetics is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, I have heard that. Which is why I had thought to incorporate the Proviron and Nolvadex to control possible bloating etc. from the Deca . But nonetheless the point of not knowing which one is causing the side effects is very valid. Other than that If I took away the Deca does the cycle seem solid?

  4. #4
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd save the deca for next time. You won't need it yet. Get another bottle of test and run at least 400mg a week. you shouldn't need nolvadex while on. Save it for pct along with clomid.

  5. #5
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    Ok, so another bottle of test and run 400mg wk/ for 10 wks. Proviron and the HCG are still good in the format I listed then?

    Adjusted Proposed Cycle:
    Wk1-10: Sustanon -400ml/Pin once wk
    -Proviron 50mgs ED
    Wk9-10:Sustanon-400ml/Pin once wk
    -Proviron 50 mgs ED
    -HCG 500 I.U.'S every 3rd or 4th day to get the boys going (This way I don not have to blast them at the end of the cycle with high doses that might cause desensitization).
    -Discontinue HCG at the end of week 10
    -Nolvadex 20mgs alone from the end of week 10 until PCT starts 3 weeks after last Sustanon pin.

    PCT: Start 21 days after last pin

    Day 1: 100mgs Nolvadex
    Next 15 days: 60mgs Nolvadex
    Next 14 days: 40mgs Nolvadex

    I have the clomid if I need it but I only have 600 mgs. I was trying not to use it. I have read more in favor of Nolvadex for PCT than Clomid because you need a smaller dosage of Nolvadex(40-50mgs) to do what clomid (100-300mgs) needs a higher dose to do and reportedly has more side effects because of the dosage.

    Is there any other compound for PCT that would be wise to add? Like letrozole or Arimidex , or just a higher dosage of Clomid to the Nolvadex PCT regimen listed? I have just read a lot of differing opinions and would like some direct input from experienced vets.

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
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    Pin the sust twice a week (like Mon/Thurs).

    Use the clomid in PCT. You don't need a higher dose. Even 50mg of clomid will raise test levels by 145%.

    So run the clomid like this


    I honestly wouldn't even worry about the Prov either.

  7. #7
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    Yeah I just realized that with the half-life of the test I was going to need to pin 2x's a week. And just so I understand the 50/50/25/25 means 50mgs first 2 weeks then 25mgs last 2 weeks..Correct?
    Thanks D7M..

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F-Genetics View Post
    Yeah I just realized that with the half-life of the test I was going to need to pin 2x's a week. And just so I understand the 50/50/25/25 means 50mgs first 2 weeks then 25mgs last 2 weeks..Correct?
    Thanks D7M..

    50mg every day for the first two weeks, then down to 25mg.

  9. #9
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    Thanks again man I appreciate it. Trying to navigate this stuff can be a major brain freeze. So much information and so many different results with various users, that can leave a newcomer lost in a mess of suggestions. In the end I guess it mounts up to pullin out the stones and goin for it..

  10. #10
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Good luck man! I just got done with my first cycle and i wasn't as prepared as you sound. I'm starting my PCT soon, doing more research and looking forward to doing my next cycle right!

  11. #11
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    Denver huh. I'm from there. Small world I move back in December. Fortunately for me I have several friends who are BB's who are getting ready to compete. I also figured better to have excess and be over prepared so I could handle whatever might pop up while on a cycle. I'm just being wise and waiting until I have all my stuff, and I feel my cycle and PCT are rock solid..I just had to do research and they helped push me along the right paths for knowledge. Good luck to you too man..

  12. #12
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    Also what about the addition of Dbol to kickstart the cycle for the first 3-4 weeks? I know I don't want to overdue it, but I have read of several veterans recommending it with Test on a first cycle to "jump start" the cycle until your Test (oil) kicks in..

  13. #13
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    D-BOL is ok to kick with you will see quick resilts in weight and strength, just keep in mind the gains are short lived and will start to taper after you stop taking it, but hopefully by then the test will kick in

  14. #14
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    I forgot my stats sorry guys. I am 6'1" 194 now, 33 years old and my body fat is 16% (as of 2 wks ago I was @199) but I dropped 5 lbs since, by cardio and good diet.

  15. #15
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Sweet man, yea, i just moved to Denver 2 years ago, love it here! Moved from florida.. so quite a change. That's awesome that you have connections here, i have one friend, but after posting on here and talking to some of the guys who know their stuff, i've found out that my "friend" doesn't know his stuff.. so i just cut my cycle short after running out of sust halfway thru. About to start my PCT soon and i'm doing more and more research to prepare myself for my second cycle. I'm 6'2 193lbs , not sure what my BF% is, but i can't see a 6pack.. thats all i know haha.. Wish you the best of luck with your cycle, maybe one day you can help me figure out a cycle of my own

  16. #16
    OGBossman is offline New Member
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    On a test only cycle, I was thinking of taking nolvadex and maybe clomid for pct. should nolvadex be taking through out the entire cycle, if not when should it be started? Thanks!

  17. #17
    F-Genetics's Avatar
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    From what I generally hear it is good to have Nolvadex on hand in case you start to feel sides. That way you can start it right away to help deal with them. But If you check some of the stickies they will tell you when your PCT should start for test. Usually about 3 weeks from your last pin depending on the half life of the Test you are taking. If you dig around and read a bit you will find them.

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