Hey guys,
After heeding the advice of other members on here, i have stopped my cycle short. For multiple reasons hah.. in a nutshell, ran out of Sust early and i need to do more research.
Been doing 1cc of Sust 250 /week and 1cc of Deca 200 /week for 6 weeks. I just took my last injections this week of both the sust and deca. When do you think i should start my PCT?
I just picked up some Nolva and Clomid for my PCT.. Since i didn't get to run my cycle for the full 12 weeks and i didn't get to take test 2 weeks after stopping the deca.. Do i still start my PCT 21 days after last deca injection?
I was told to do the below, does this sound good? In mgs/per day for 4 weeks.
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
1. When should i start?
2. How much should i dose?
3. How long should i dose?
Thank you for your advice!