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  1. #1
    roidrader is offline New Member
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    Cycle Help - AS vs TE vs Masteron

    I've been using Masteron and Test Enanthate for the last couple of weeks. I would take 1 ml of Masteron and 1 ml of Test Enanthate every 4 days. I've injected 6 times already. Problem is, I lost/messed up two of the test enanthate ampoules.

    I have the following left:
    4ml of Masteron
    2ml of Test Enanthate
    10ml of Aquabolic Suspension

    My plan is to carry on with the normal cycle of 1ml Test Enanthate and 1ml of Masteron every 4 days. However, for the 2mls of test enanthate that I lost, I want to use two mls of Aquabolic Suspension instead. So to sum up, my questions are:

    1. Can I mix up Test Enanthate and Aquabolic Suspension like this?
    2. 10 x 4 = 40 days. Can I perhaps take 2 x 1ml of the aquabolic suspension for an extra week to extend my cycle a bit, or should I get off it as fast as possible?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    i'm not sure is that a lab name your mentioning of the suspension? If its just test suspension then you're going to have to inject it at a minimum once daily And no I wouldn't advise mixing the oil based test with the water based suspension. If you dont' know how to run the sus right then my advice would be to wrap up the cycle or get more test E. What is the Mast dosed at? cause 1 ML of mast every 4 days isnt shit unless its mast enanthate and dosed at 300mg per ML or something like that. Is this your first cycle? How old are you? Not busting balls here but this cycle doesn't seem very well planned

  3. #3
    roidrader is offline New Member
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    I got advice from a guy that takes part in competitions. I.e. He suggested the masteron and test enanthate combo. No, I did not plan on messing up two of the ampoules so now I'm in this predicament. I've had very good results taking it the way I am now, my questions are more in the lines of how to extend the cycle and if I should take it for a longer period or mix things up?

    I did not know I had to inject the AS every day. Here's are links to what I've got:
    Aquabolic Suspensions --> URL removed by RoidRader
    Masteron --> URL removed by RoidRader
    Test Enanthate --> URL removed by RoidRader
    [ i can inbox the links on request ]

    So my follow up questions are:

    1. Are you sure you have to inject AS once a day?
    2. Should I perhaps take the AS with the Test with the Masteron? And how should I take it if I do this?
    3. Does anybody else agree that rather getting more Test Enanthate is the way to go?
    4. Any other suggestions on how to change/improve my current cycle?
    Last edited by roidrader; 11-09-2010 at 05:54 AM.

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    remove those links as they are sources and its not allowed in the open forum and is agains our rules here. Also test suspension has no ester attatched to the test molecule so its immediatley active. and has a super short half life so it has to be injected everyday. If this is your first cycle I would really say just go straight into PCT and end this cycle and go back to the drawing board. I still dont' know your age or your cycle experience which is pretty important before giving you advice

  5. #5
    roidrader is offline New Member
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    Nov 2010
    My first cycle. I'm 25 years old. 84kgs ( 77 befor i started). What else do you need?

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Your first cycle should have been just test solo. Masteron is not a good compound for a first cycle. I still dont' know what the masteron is dosed at my guess is its 100mg per ml which means you're not expieriencing any real bennifits from it. I'm guessin the test e is 250mg per ML which at every 4 days is a decent first cycle. Do you have a planned PCT (Post cycle therapy ) What do you know about PCT? My advice to you is to stop this cycle and research you're own cycle, The average big dude in the gym isn't a Doctor or a rocket scientist. Its you're body so do the research on your own. Read the threads on beginner cycles, and threads on PCT. Also make sure you have all the gear you need before you start (having a little extra never hurts) Chalk this one up to a learning experience and get huge on the next one. I'd also suggest takeing time to go through the steroid profiles section and you can read how different compounds are used and suggested dosages. Good luck and happy reading

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