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Thread: Horton Hears a Jew

  1. #1

    Horton Hears a Jew

    So i have a very unusual question, why the hell does Dbol cause hairloss? I dont believe its dht derivative?

    My last cycle i used it and my god damn hair was falling out out of my head, it regrew back once i stopped though.

    Tren nor Masteron has ever caused this problem for me.
    Last edited by RoidReaper; 11-09-2010 at 02:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    im not a jew , but i don't get it, this is an open board and some might be offended by that title

  3. #3
    Rofl, thought id make the board a little more energetic. Mods can always change the name . But seriously why would dbol make hair fall out, if its not derived from DHT?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan

    Horton hears a Ho!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Its probably due to a curse placed on you by a someone familiar with Kabala! but thats nothing wait till you start PCT and a moil visits you in your sleep and sews on the removed scmucks of 100 boychicks.

  6. #6


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    This just in RoidReaper was found beaten to death with a dradle

  8. #8

    Horton hears domestic violence and doesn't call 911

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by upperhandy View Post
    Lol family guy

    Last edited by RoidReaper; 11-09-2010 at 04:37 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Test isn't a DHT derivative, but it can also mess up your hair. If a compound is androgenic (and Dbol is fairly androigenic), it can affect your hair.
    Anavar and Tbol are both DHT derivatives and are the mildest on hair.
    Whether a compound is 5a-reduced has little effect upon what it does to your hair. It's just that DHT derivatives tend to bind more tightly at the AR (though there are exceptions such as Drol), so if they are also highly androgenic your hair is probably in trouble. However, if they lack a strong androgenic component (apart from Winstrol), then you should be fine.
    BTW, I'm prone to hairloss and Dbol wasn't that bad for me.

  11. #11
    I haven't heard too many people having hair problems with Dbol. Dbol made me gain weight super fast. 25lbs in 4 weeks, I looked like a dough boy. Horton must have super hearing. lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    shave it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Test isn't a DHT derivative, but it can also mess up your hair. If a compound is androgenic (and Dbol is fairly androigenic), it can affect your hair.
    Anavar and Tbol are both DHT derivatives and are the mildest on hair.
    Whether a compound is 5a-reduced has little effect upon what it does to your hair. It's just that DHT derivatives tend to bind more tightly at the AR (though there are exceptions such as Drol), so if they are also highly androgenic your hair is probably in trouble. However, if they lack a strong androgenic component (apart from Winstrol), then you should be fine.
    BTW, I'm prone to hairloss and Dbol wasn't that bad for me.
    Ive taken very high doses of Tren and Winstrol and its never effected my hair.. But dbol did and did it quick.

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