Hey all, I'm about to start a winny/primo cutting cycle and would like a few questions answered before I start it. First off I'm 27, athletic build have been lifting/ working out for 9 years mostly sport related lifting. This is my first cycle although I've had use of andro in the past an was very happy during the times I took it. My goal for this cycle will be to keep my athletic build but add a little more lean muscle, increase strength and drop body fat. I will be using this cycle with a very strict high protein/ low carb diet and my friend who is a personal trainer has set me up a workout program.
Now back to the questions starting with Primo. I've read much on both of these but I'm still in debate of the dosing. For primo I've read run for 8-10 weeks at 600-800mg per week. Is this an acurate dosage? and when do I have to inject? daily, every other day and how much per injection?
The same goes for winny but I've read daily shots of 25-50mg and I should start taking the winny in the last 4 weeks of my taking of primo, aka if I'm on primo 8 weeks take winny for the last 4 weeks. Again 25-50 seems pretty vague does anyone else know more solid numbers I should be running?
After my cycle is finish I already have clomid on hand for my pct. Again proper doising? I'd also like to add I know many people suggest running test with this but I'm not going to add it for this cycle.
Any info would be great I'm not starting my cycle till I'm comfortable with all dosing numbers, anything else you guys wanna toss in for info I'm all ears.