I need some help on figuring out a correct PCT for an H-Drol or M-Drol cycle. Actually I need some advice on the pre-cycle , during and post cycle to be exact.
For PCT , since i can't find out where to actually buy any Clomid or Nolvadex , I have this figured into my PCT for now......
Milk Thistle
PCT Assist ( by CE )
Novedex XT ( by Gaspari )
super B complex
I am not planning on using them all , but that's just the list I have as of right now , but won't start anything until I get a good cycle program figured out here. I'm trying to figure out the right ones to take , and "when" i'm supposed to take them.
Just to let you guys know where I'm coming from : I have done 3 different cycles of the old "Spawn" stuff a couple years ago and was amazed at the difference it made in my workouts and in my performance in the sport I was involved in. BUT...besides Milk Thistle and vitamin B complex , I didn't use anything else. It was stupid I know....but that's why I'm coming here for advice. Although...the only side affect I got was dry joints and feeling bloated.
Also...since i'm a stupid newb to this kind of stuff , as far as weight training and competing in semi-professional sports for almost 20 years , I'm no stranger to fitness. I just need some advice from you guys on all three stages of a cycle ( pre-during-post )
I have read through tons and tons of threads on here , but it seems there is a lot of opinions that differ from one another. And again , I won't start a cycle until I have the advice from you guys.
Thanks guys.