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Thread: Suppliments for Pre - During - Post cycle of M-drol and H-Drol ??

  1. #1

    Suppliments for Pre - During - Post cycle of M-drol and H-Drol ??

    I need some help on figuring out a correct PCT for an H-Drol or M-Drol cycle. Actually I need some advice on the pre-cycle , during and post cycle to be exact.

    For PCT , since i can't find out where to actually buy any Clomid or Nolvadex , I have this figured into my PCT for now......

    Milk Thistle
    PCT Assist ( by CE )
    Novedex XT ( by Gaspari )
    super B complex

    I am not planning on using them all , but that's just the list I have as of right now , but won't start anything until I get a good cycle program figured out here. I'm trying to figure out the right ones to take , and "when" i'm supposed to take them.

    Just to let you guys know where I'm coming from : I have done 3 different cycles of the old "Spawn" stuff a couple years ago and was amazed at the difference it made in my workouts and in my performance in the sport I was involved in. BUT...besides Milk Thistle and vitamin B complex , I didn't use anything else. It was stupid I know....but that's why I'm coming here for advice. Although...the only side affect I got was dry joints and feeling bloated.

    Also...since i'm a stupid newb to this kind of stuff , as far as weight training and competing in semi-professional sports for almost 20 years , I'm no stranger to fitness. I just need some advice from you guys on all three stages of a cycle ( pre-during-post )

    I have read through tons and tons of threads on here , but it seems there is a lot of opinions that differ from one another. And again , I won't start a cycle until I have the advice from you guys.

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    How old are you? Your PCT looks terrible, Novedex XT is terrible and you will crash from running a compound like M-Drol so a good PCT is very important. First, you can buy liquid Tamox (nolvadex) and liquid Clomid from the AR-R banner on top of this page (highly recommended). Milk thistle is good and I see you are prepared w/ that. You will also want to find somwthing to keep your BP levels down. I use a supp called Pressure-Lo. I would also use some Omega 3's. But please, get your PCT straightened out before anything. You will lose majority of your gains w/out a proper PCT as well as libido issues among many other things.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Thanks for the advice man.......I knew it looked terrible , and this is exactly the response I was looking for to be honest. I'm not starting anything until i know exactly what I'm doing.

    as far as the Liquid Tamox goes.....i did look into that , but wasn't sure if it was something I was supposed to take orally or with a needle? same goes with the liquid Clomid.

    I will also look into the High BP stuff " Pressure-lo".

    Should I be worried with Cholesterol as well?

    I'm here to learn for sure. I just seem to get lost in some of the threads because I have no idea about what some of the guys are talking about. I feel like I need a PHD in pharmaceuticals to be able to understand where they are coming from. Very knowledgeable guys on here for sure!

    BTW....I am 43 now , and having been weight training solely for my sport I "was" into for over 30+ years. But things have changed for me over this past couple months , so I wanted to take my lifting experience / size and strength to a new level.
    Last edited by Jeffro503; 11-10-2010 at 12:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Starting to narrow some things down and doing a lot of reading. So far I have come up with a list of this stuff.......

    Liquid Tamox 50mL 20mg/mL

    Liquid Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL

    Competitive Edge PCT assist

    Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist

    Super B complex

    Milk thistle

    I'm not sure what kind of Omega 3 supplements i should be looking at. I also need to figure out what my daily intake of each item is supposed to be and "when" I'm actually supposed to take them. I have heard the AR-R stuff taste extremely bad....but I can deal with that.

    If I can figure out what stuff i need to take in advance before I start a cycle , what I need to take during the cycle and post cycle It would really help. My diet consist of about 180-250 grams of protien a day along with a bunch of fruits , veggies , grains and so forth. I don't really plan on a super high caloric diet , as I'd rather build lean hard muscle slowly , then pack on a bunch of fat and water.

  5. #5
    Well....damn......after reading quite a few threads on this M-Drol and H-Drol PCT type stuff , it sounds like I'm going a little overkill.

    If I take 25mg a day of Liquid Tamox for 4 weeks and 100mg of Clomi starting the day after my last ingestion of M-Drol and using one bottle of 50mL 20mg/ml bottle.....that should be 40 days worth of usage on the Tamox correct? So getting one bottle would basically do two separate cycles of 3 weeks that correct?

    From what i was reading was that M-Drol and H-Drol are both pretty strong for "over the counter" type stuff , but pretty weak compared to some of the other things you can buy out there.

    PCT I could run 25/25/25/25 of tamox for 4 weeks , 100/50/50/50 of clomi along with PCT assist from CE and Liv52?

    And through the cycle "and" PCT just keep up on my milk thistle , Liv52 and super B's and VitaminC?
    Last edited by Jeffro503; 11-10-2010 at 08:23 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I run tamox during my cycle in case of gyno (only if needed) so don't worry about having extra, it won't hurt. I can see you did your homework on PCT. You look GTG.

  7. #7
    Thanks NMacFar! I'll get this thing all figured out sooner or later , and I won't start my cycle until I know 100% it'll be a good PCT. And you were right about the Liquid Clomid and Tamox stuff from AR-R.....seems like a lot of guys have had great results with their products.

    I Still have a lot to learn , but from just what I learned yesterday and about 5 hours of reading , I screwed up when I ran my previous cycles of Spawn a couple years ago. I want to take full advantage of my cycles this time and not throw them away.

    Thanks again for all your advice.....and I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions within these next few weeks before I start my program.

  8. #8

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