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Thread: A couple HCG questions regarding on cycle, PCT and Nolva.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    A couple HCG questions regarding on cycle, PCT and Nolva.

    Recently I've been reading that HCG should be used while on cycle, and then dropped once PCT starts.

    Why not continue the HCG for the first couple weeks of PCT?

    After reading
    its my understanding that HCG should not be used with out Nolvadex. And HCG use should be dropped 2 weeks before Nolvadex use ends.

    If used on cycle would one also have to supplement Nolvadex the entire cycle?
    If so would a AI still be necessary?

    My understanding is Nolvadex doesn't prevent estrogen conversion, it simply doesn't allow it to take estrogenic still use a AI on top of the SERM?

    It seems like a smart AAS user would always supplement HCG into there cycle, but there seems to be many many opinions on how it should be used.

    Vets or PRO BB's opinion only please. I may bump this a few times.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Search Swifto's Threads, he seems to be the resident authority on these questions about HCG. Peresonally I would use HCG throughout every cycle. You should start it on first injection, 250 IU's 2-3 times a week. Stop use the last day you pin. Use an AI like arimidex in conjunction with HCG. These are just my thoughts. I am sure others will have their input on this topic. Do a little more research into swiftos thoughts.

    Oh, and I would keep the Nolvadex for the PCT, i think an AI like arimidex is better than nolvadex while on cycle for what you are looking for...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Thanks man. This advise is what ive been hearing but my main question is with HCG in conjunction with Nolva. Also pertaining to PCT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Your question is very confusing to me, lets start by posting your full cycle plan??

    Just to clarify, we use hcg on cycle to reduce testicular shrinkage, and maintain function...

    You would run nolva on cycle to help prevent gyno, as you said it doesnt reduce estrogen but it does block that estrogen from breast receptors...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sry for confusion,

    Why wouldn't some one continue HCG use into PCT?

    In the link it says never to run HCG with out Nolvadex. Is that simply to prevent gyno because HCG aromatizes?

    So if I were to run HCG 250iu 2 times a week with test E 500mg, I wouldn't need nolva on cycle if i was running a AI on cycle?
    Last edited by BOBfromfightclub; 11-10-2010 at 05:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I just tried the link and i says its down. Dont know if thats temporary but it was posted by HP yesterday i believe.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    I shall look into this but im sure he means it should be used as well as and not that they have to be used together. Yes if your using an ai you will not need to use nolva on cycle....

    I shall have a good look at hp's thread and get back to you....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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