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  1. #1
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Can you kick start long ester test cycles with short ester test to improve early gain

    I keep reading threads where people are on a 8 week C or E cycle and are advised to extend it to 10-12 weeks as gains do not maximise till week 6-7. I have heard of people kicking cycles with orals (D-bol etc.) to jump start them.

    My questions are, if you did not want to use orals or other steroids could you just add a shorter acting Test ester like Prop to increase the levels or would that in some way hinder the actions of the longer ester? I guess the other possibility would be increased chance of aromatization and sides but it seems since the levels of the longer ester were not maximized that this would not be a huge problem?


  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    you can front load with a shorter ester, but if a 8 week cycle appeals to you then why not just run prop throughout?

  3. #3
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I am asking for a friend who is getting ready to run an cycle with E. I had suggested he just run a prop cycle since like I am planning next, however he is a big sissy...and not a fan of daily injections and he only wants to do Test for now which I can understand, so I figgured it would be easier to talk him into pinning ED or EOD for a few weeks (say weeks 3-6) with some prop (which I have already) to front load it than it would be to convince him to throw away the E (he already has it) and pin ED for 8.

    PS Thanks for the reply

  4. #4
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    keep in mind he can laod with prop but he still needs to soot the test e and give it time to build up, to shoot prop only for 4 weeks and then run test e for the concurrent 4 weeks is pointless... you follow me

  5. #5
    Brewster's Avatar
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    The beach is that way -->
    it would have to be:

    Test P- 1-4
    Test E- 1- whatever


    Test P- 1-4
    Test E- 4-whatever

  6. #6
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    i guess its gonna depend on dosage and what op has, i would run a 12 week cycle
    test p w/1-4 70mg p-day
    test e w/4-12 250mg 2x
    but i dont think for a novice it makes sense, i think to do both esters you would ideally run a 16 week cycle which unless you got some cycles under your belt isn't wise....jmo let the bashing begin

  7. #7
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I am asking for a friend who is getting ready to run an cycle with E. I had suggested he just run a prop cycle since like I am planning next, however he is a big sissy...and not a fan of daily injections and he only wants to do Test for now which I can understand, so I figgured it would be easier to talk him into pinning ED or EOD for a few weeks (say weeks 3-6) with some prop (which I have already) to front load it than it would be to convince him to throw away the E (he already has it) and pin ED for 8.

    PS Thanks for the reply
    also if you can convinse him to pin eod for 6 weeks, 8 weeks shouldnt be that much more difficult

  8. #8
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    keep in mind he can laod with prop but he still needs to soot the test e and give it time to build up, to shoot prop only for 4 weeks and then run test e for the concurrent 4 weeks is pointless... you follow me
    Yes I knew he would have to run the P concurently with the E, I figgured the first 2 weeks the concentration of E would be so low there would be no point in trying to front load it with P taking into consideration he is needle shy and I was trying to minimize the shots, thats why I asked about just using the P weeks 3-6 or maybe looking at your suggestion weeks 2-4 would allow for him to reap good benefits during weeks 3-8 of the cycle while only having to pin daily for 2 weeks.

    Or maybe I should just tell him to do a 10 week cycle with the E, and not worry about the first 6 weeks... as my head is beggining to hurt thinking about all the variables LOL.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-11-2010 at 10:35 AM.

  9. #9
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Yes I knew he would have to run the P concurently with the E, I figgured the first 2 weeks the concentration of E would be so low there would be no point in trying to front load it with P taking into consideration he is needle shy and I was trying to minimize the shots, thats why I asked about just using the P weeks 3-6 or maybe looking at your suggestion weeks 2-4 would allow for him to reap good benefits during weeks 3-8 of the cycle while only having to pin daily for 2 weeks.

    Or maybe I should just tell him to do a 10 week cycle with the E, and not worry about the first 6 weeks... as my head is beggining to hurt thinking about all the variables LOL.
    his cycle let him do what works for him

  10. #10
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    He asked (he did not want to run a long cycle and had concerns about not getting much bang for the buck with the long ester and short cycle) just like I am asking...but thanks anyway.

    PS He had elevated liver enzymes on his last physical and did not want to run an oral like D-bol to front load.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 11-11-2010 at 11:01 AM. Reason: Oral footnote

  11. #11
    MBMETC's Avatar
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    hope its sucessful what ever he decides

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