Hello, i am running HGH cycle for 5 months now, it is planed to run it 12months, and i want to add a test-p and tren a cycle for 10 weeks
Age: 27
Height: 165cm
Weight: 140Ibs
BF%: 13%
Cycle Exp: 1 test C cycle
Training Exp: 6years
Ethnicity: Asian
it's my second cycle
Test-P 75mg ed (1-10 week)
Tren-A 50mg ed (3-10 week)
HGH 5ius after workout (mix with 50mg B6)
GHRP-6 200mcg before bed ( mix with 200mcg B12)
Liquidex 0.5 eg
PCT Clomid 100/50/50/50
and i have letro, armidex, caber and nolva on hand , and i am gyno-prone, should i run liquidex with 0.5 ml ed or 0.25 ml to prevent gyno?
and is it necessarily to run caber with 0.25mg every 3 days??? and because i run B6, there's some suggestion that should not run b6 and levodopa drug together, and i am quite sure my B6 doses is more that 300mg daily, what side-effect will i have???
thank you for yr help!!!!