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Thread: Clen safe for 20 year old?

  1. #1

    Clen safe for 20 year old?

    Asked this question in the "clen handbook" thread but hav't had any replies in two days.

    Obviously AAS are not for people my age, but what about Clen? I've read the whole education thread on clen and it doesn't say anything about age.

    Any reason a 20 year old should not run clen?

  2. #2
    I've run clen twice, first time when I was 21. I ran it up to 200mcg (on the higher side) and monitored my blood pressure and heart rate.

    My blood pressure was only modestly affected, but my heart rate shot up substantially during cardio, up to 160-180bpm, which was pretty scary. I was also sweating like a mofo. My buddy had a very similar experience. If you run clen, make sure you monitor your BP, HR, drink plenty of water, and take Taurine, since taurine levels may be dangerously depleted in the liver. I'd also eat plenty of bananas or other foods with sources of potassium (or just run it as a supp).

    Personally, my buddy and I both found that taking clen alone is probably not worth it for fat-loss. I believe it is however useful for its anti-catabolic properties if you are planning to do a strenuous cardio routine. As you'll note, many people taking clen take it with T3/DNP, for precisely this reason, but these two substances are DEFINITELY NOT safe for you (or arguably worth the risk for anyone, imo).

  3. #3
    Just looking for an extra edge for cutting some BF. is HIIT cardio a bad idea while on clen since it affects heartrate?

    I won't make any changes to my routine if i dont need to. Currently im lifting 3x/ week + HIIT twice a week. Will probably do some LISS cardio as well...

  4. #4
    Excellent question about HIIT. What I've personally learned is that there is no solution that works for everyone. Everyone's body is different (as well as their tolerance to clen, etc). Definitely listen and monitor your body and make your own conclusions.

    There are a lot of people that say not to do HIIT on clen, and others that tell you to simply monitor your heart rate. I tend to side with the latter. HIIT is awesome (imo) and if your body is tolerating clen fairly well then I'd give HIIT a try. Also, start off with a very low dose (like 30-40mcg max) to assess your tolerance and build it up from there. I think it's pretty hard to fuk things up if you know what's happening in your body at all times and progress slowly.

    I'd probably run the first cycle for two weeks without Ketotifen/benadryl to understand how my body is reacting to clen. If I like what I see, I'd then run a longer cycle in a couple of weeks with benadryl/keto.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    upstate ny
    ive heard to almost consider or treat clen like an aas

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    ive heard to almost consider or treat clen like an aas
    From the standpoint that one should know enough about clen before running it (just like AAS), absolutely. However, as I am almost 100% sure most people who have run both will tell you, clen's immediate side effects are typically mild. Personally, I didn't even get a substantial amount of shakiness some users report, even at 200mcg (ordered from two different well-researched sources).

    In terms of results, if you've followed logs of people running clen only cycles before, you'll note that results are also typically fairly mild. I'm pretty certain results of cutting down with Anavar for five weeks vs a five or six week cycle of clen (with keto) would not be comparable. It has no anabolic properties as far as I know. As I said, I've ran clen alone twice and I'm not sure I'll run it alone again. The results I would have obtained from an even better diet would have probably been more drastic in that timeframe. It's one of those things that you could consider doing if your diet and training is already at 100%.
    Last edited by TV_Adapter; 11-12-2010 at 12:12 PM.

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