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  1. #1
    Galan is offline New Member
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    Angry Considering taking Dbol?

    Im 5'10 and 130 lbs... its ridiculous ive been working my ass of for the last 3 years and I haven gained any significant weight... my arms are still way skinny same for my legs... sure im toned but it doesn't help. I just want to put on some serious weight FAST. so what can you tell me about Dbol ? and Abombs? I've head Dbol gives u the same effects but it has less harsh side effects. Where can you get Dbol? and How often do you take it? Just tell me anything you think I should know before I start taking it? My mind is pretty much made up about this.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I can guarantee your problem is your diet.

    Even if you took dbol , you wouldn't be able to keep any gains you made, because you clearly haven't learned anything about eating to gain muscle.

    Post up your diet and training and we'll help you along, man.

  3. #3
    themoreyouknow's Avatar
    themoreyouknow is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I can guarantee your problem is your diet.

    Even if you took dbol , you wouldn't be able to keep any gains you made, because you clearly haven't learned anything about eating to gain muscle.

    Post up your diet and training and we'll help you along, man.

    EAT, bro!

  4. #4
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    You can not ask where to get here bro....

    I can tell you where to get food though.... Its all about your diet..... Post it up.

  5. #5
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    You can not ask where to get here bro....

    I can tell you where to get food though.... Its all about your diet..... Post it up.

  6. #6
    HitIt's Avatar
    HitIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1,705 DON'T want to put on weight fast as your connective tissues are not ready for sudden weight gain/strength can tear a tendon/muscle or do ligament damage that could put you out of training for a good while.....these tissues should be brought up slowly in a novice........everything (steroids included) works from the food you ingest.....and you obviously don't have that factor down yet. So eat more. How old are you?

  7. #7
    Galan is offline New Member
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    Actually I eat quiet a bit... I dont have like a set diet but like for breakfast i have 3 eggs a protein/glutamine shake at lunch i have steak and a protein shake, dinner well it depends and before i go to bed i have a protein/glutamine shake and during my work out i have creatine...

  8. #8
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    That is terrible diet wise. That is nowhere near enough. Not only is it just 3 meals a day, where you need 6-8, but each meal is severely lacking.

  9. #9
    Galan is offline New Member
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    k so what would be a good diet?

  10. #10
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Glad you asked. There is a fantastic diet section you can look at.

  11. #11
    OldManRiver's Avatar
    OldManRiver is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galan View Post
    Actually I eat quiet a bit... I dont have like a set diet but like for breakfast i have 3 eggs a protein/glutamine shake at lunch i have steak and a protein shake, dinner well it depends and before i go to bed i have a protein/glutamine shake and during my work out i have creatine...
    The best advice for you is to read everything that is printed on this site, then repeat. I don't understand why people insist on consuming/injecting things into their bodies that could potentially cause major problems if not done in a correct manner. It's funny, my whore ex-girlfriend had the same problem..... It makes me sad how much I enjoy vagina.

  12. #12
    cerealkiller326's Avatar
    cerealkiller326 is offline Associate Member
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    Deff. Need to feed yourself more dude. 3 meal is not enough you need to have more fat,and carbs to fuel your work out, and protein to support muscle through out the day. Your work out and diet plays a huge part in your goal, if your lifting XXXX LBS 10 reps,3 sets, that doesn't allow your body to grow as you hope to. List your diet and training.

  13. #13
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    Up the eggs to atleast 4 and add oatmeal to your protein shakes All of them and peanut butter you won't be able to eat 6 full meals off the rip so you need to train your body to eat that way and you will eventually out weight on I understanding where your clming from I started at 185 at 6'2 I'm 225 now and all I did was eat the oatmeal I'n protein really helped out slot and drink milk LOTS of milk it's cheap and has fat and protein In it

  14. #14
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    Put weight on * and I understand * --sorry driving and texting

  15. #15
    makembyte's Avatar
    makembyte is offline Junior Member
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    i drink my eggs,whites only/saves room which could otherwise be used for solid food/and injectactable b-12 gives me a crazy appitite/if u dont like raw eggs u can buy pasturized egg whites to drink from grocerie store / just a little info that helped me on my bulking diet

  16. #16
    makembyte's Avatar
    makembyte is offline Junior Member
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    oh yeah , i took d-bol got quik results on the front end of my cycle but raised my blood psi to high and gave me irregular hert beat . ive done alot of d-bol in my cycles and alot without and i payed close attn to my body so i know it was the d-bol ( for me anyway ) it wasnt my salt intake either .

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    dbol and abombs only give short term results, and really shouldn't be taken as an "only" cycle.

  18. #18
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    WOW WOW WOW!!! Bro step it back a notch!!! Forget the dbols. Lets start from basics. You don't jump to steroids as a fix if you HAVENT BEEN GAINING MUCH AT ALL IN THE LAST 3 YEARS AND YOUR 130LBS. You jump to steroids if you havent been gaining for 3years and your 220lbs with strong ass heavy lifts. Do you get what i'm trying to say? You have A SHIT LOAD of room to grow naturally, when i say SHIT LOAD i mean SHIT LOAD. Bro you will grow like weed if you listen to these fellow members telling you to adjust your diet properly. Don't waste your money on ****ing dbol . If you even consider doing that, just paypal me all your money and your address and i'll send you over $400 worth of oats, steak, breast chicken, tuna, cottage cheese, sausage, peanutbutter, a blender, milk and a book on proper diet for muscle. THIS WILL MAKE U GROW FAST. Not dbol. save the dbol for another few years you don't need that shit now. You want to "put on some serious MASS FAST" then start eating right now. While your reading this post Stop go to your kitchen and take some food and start munching because mate you GOTTA EAT TO GROW. You think all the big boys at your gym got to that size just because of steroids? NO!!!! Of course gear helped them, but they eat like a horse and the gear speeds up the process and aids growth. You want to know what i had for breakfast this morning? It sure as hell wasnt a bunch of dbols i'll tell u that much, it was 4 pieces of wholewheat bread eaten with whatever spread i want then a shake with the following: 2 tablespoons of natural peanutbutter, 1 scoop of whey, 350ml of soymilk, 1-2bananas, blueberries, ice and a full cup of natural uncooked rolled oats. Chuck all that in the blender and drink. That's over 1000 calories JUST FOR MY BREAKFAST. Mind you i'm 96kg so even if you had half of that you would still grow at your weight. This is just one example of my breakfast but you get the drift... I hope I don't come off across as a DICK i'm really just telling you what i wish someone told me 5years ago when i was doing stupid curls in the gym looking at my "arm pump" and wondering why i wasnt growing when i was working out 5 days a week eating like a baby. Any more questions feel free to ask but theres plenty of info on the net mate set aside sometime to read up on it alll!!!!
    Last edited by nowaymang; 11-15-2010 at 05:04 PM.

  19. #19
    BigDawg44 is offline Junior Member
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    This isn't criticism either, but sound advice but everyone on this board knows if your dead set on getting dbol your going to do it with or without this advice, so my suggestion is eat alot and atleast research what your taking and I would start with a test Aas maybe a test cyp it's once a week injection and then after one or two cycles look into front loading with dbol that's the correct way to use it

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