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Thread: Deca & Winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Deca & Winny

    Just got my gear.... 10ml deca 300mg & 20ml winny 50 mg and some clenbuteral and cytomel. I've been out of the gym for a little over a year ...... started back about a month ago. I'm looking to cut some body fat(mostly around the waist area) is my first goal, but i dont want to loose any muscle mass. Im currently on a high protein low carb diet and doing 30 min of cardio 4-6 times a week. My last cycle was 2 years or so ago. Im 6'3" 252lbs ( and want to loose 20-25lbs but not loose any lean muscle mass.

    Do I need any other suppliments to go with these....... i was thinking something like this....

    600mg deca wks 1-5
    50mg winny eod wks 5-10
    80-120 mg clen 2 wks on 2 wks off for 12 wks
    25mg tapering up to 100mg cytomel wks 8-12

    any input is appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    run the deca for 10 weeks at 300mg...5 weeks is too short a time even at 600mg. you should have looked into eq/winny or sust/winny if you wanted to lose some fat since deca will only make you larger. as far as the clen/t3 goes it looks in check to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I would STRONGLY reccomend making the deca for at least 10 weeks. And also i would say keep it at 400mg. That should be good enought.
    winni looks good. I do'nt know about clen or cytomel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I think I can get my hands on some sest250, should i stack it with the deca for 8 week lets say.....

    200mg deca 2 times wk 1-8wk
    sust250mg 2 times wk 1-8 wk
    winny 50mg eod wk 5-10
    + the clen and cyt

    or should i scrap the deca (put it in the shoe for now and just do the sust and winny. or just go with what i got...... if i do go with just the decca and winny should i worry about deca dick..... the other times ive used deca i have stacked it with test or sust...... didnt have any side effects then.

    appreciate any help

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