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  1. #1
    warbird's Avatar
    warbird is offline New Member
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    Question 2nd cycle: Sust, Deca, Dbol. I have couple questions

    So I want to start my second cycle. First one was 750 Test-E for 8 weeks and 40 dbol for 4 weeks. I've gained 7 kilos and lost 3kg after 3 weeks of PCT. I hope to start my new cycle within next 2 weeks.

    What do you think of this?

    1-4 week: 40mg Dbol
    1-10 week: 750mg Sust (Well, not Sust, but it's the same mix of testosterons called 'omnadren -250')
    1-10 week: 300mg Deca

    I have couple more questions:

    - Should I up my deca dosage to 400 or 300 will be fine (Im very low on my budget) ?

    - How soon I should start PCT?

    - Deca is 100mg/ml and Sust is 250mg/ml. Everything in ampoules. How I should split my shots during the week? Like 200 Deca + 500 Sust on Monday and 100 Deca + 250 Sust on Thursday?

    - Is it safe to shot more than 2ml of oil in delts ?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Why jump onto deca so quick? You made great gains from your first cycle, so you should using 750mgs of test for your first cycle...

    Your going to fast imo bro, you need to slow down, if i was you id do another cycle of test and dbol but lower the test to 500mgs and see how that goes....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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