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Thread: some questions

  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    some questions

    23 in a week
    low bf (like 8 or 9)
    I am trt
    Gyno surgery performed so not an issue, but...
    Very Estrogen and other side effect prone but no hair loss (bloody noses etc)
    Bloodwork done monthly and everything is in check

    I am planning a cycle of eq and masteron just because of hunger(eq) and I want some quality gains(mast) with little side effects. I am not looking to gain too much weight. I weigh 173 right now and I want to be 185 at the same bf level. I'm in no rush to get there. I am VERY side effect prone.

    I am trt and I would like to keep these compounds for my cycle, but would like some advice on how to use them. Was thinking long duration for eq but a short burst for mast. I can add another compound if you guys strongly suggest something.

    If you are on trt do you have to worry about coming off cycle and losing any of your gains (other than bloat etc)?

    This is my proposed cycle (very rough, you guys tell me what is best as I don't know shit)
    Week 1
    test c 150mgs per week
    (trt dose, stable blood levels, 800)

    Equipoise 1,000mgs front load

    Week 2-16
    test c 150mgs per week
    (trt dose, stable blood levels, 800)

    Equipoise 300mgs per week

    Week 3-9
    Masteron 600mgs per week (too high ?)

    OR I could do a regular cycle

    Week 1
    test c 150mgs per week
    (trt dose, stable blood levels, 800)

    Equipoise 1,000mgs front load

    Week 2-16
    test c 150mgs per week
    (trt dose, stable blood levels, 800)

    Equipoise 300mgs per week

    Masteron 400mgs per week (dose good?)

    NOTE: Don't bother telling me about how useless eq is cuz I want the hunger. Ghrp-6 will probably be in the mix too. Not sure yet.

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro that EQ dose is terribly low...600mgs being the least...mast at 100mgs EOD would being you would throw a 100mg prop with the mast...youre on TRT so it would be like youre bridging so youre fine there...have an AI for any bloat should be good to go..

  3. #3
    nowaymang's Avatar
    nowaymang is offline New Member
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    Bro I think you need to research your compounds a bit better because Masteron isn't a great "muscle builder", if estrogen sides are your problem then i'd run something more like this

    test c 150mg per week (your TRT dose) - weeks 1-#
    EQ 600mg per week - weeks 1-16
    anavar weeks 1-8 60mg-80mg.

    All low aromatising compounds and you can even throw in a AI in at low dose to be 100% guarded against estrogen sides even though these are all very low aromatising compounds.

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    One thing i'd watch out for it the blood pressure spike you might experience from 1000mg of eq as a front load. Due to the increase in red blood cells you might experience some BP related sides that first week or 3. I ran EQ at 400 a week but that was along with 400 test a week as well. I had a great appetite and it being my first cycle i can't really say if the EQ helped that much with gains but i definitley made them. As for the TRT thing for you comming off a cycle will be just like some of the older guys on here cruising. If you were running the test that low I would agree that EQ should be at least 500mg a week. I still think theres a good chance you could lose some of your gains after your cycle. So with that being said i'd set that weight goal at 190 and that'll give you a 5lb margin of error. Mast has AI like effects and going alongside something mild like EQ i think you're chance of side effects on this cycle would be low

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I think you need to start over again, your plan isnt the best thought out one. EQ is known to increase your RBC's and with your problem with nose bleeds your just asking for trouble, your also increasing further risks frontloading it because of the possible increased BP, terrible idea using eq its useless at muscles building and if your only using it to increase your appetite why would you do that when you have serious issues with your nose bleeds, drop the eq.

    You also need to do more research on masteron , it isnt going to lead the way to muscle growth its a contest prep drugs what gives you hardness, condition and a granite appearance to the muscles it isnt going to build over 10lbs of muscle tissue.

    Weak cycle weak gains IMHO I would start all over again.

  6. #6
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Ok I am willing to start all over again. I tried eq before (long time ago before I knew I needed trt) and at 200mgs per week my appetite was amazing. That's why I wanted to add it in. I figured I would use masteron to stay hard and look great as I will gain the weight with Diet and Exercise I wanna use the eq to be able to consume the amount of calories I need to (at 3,500 and counting), and use the Masteron to keep that dense look instead of looking like I have fatty muscles. Not a good idea? Once again I am not looking for a massive weight gain, just wanna look dense when I get to 185 (10 more lbs). I wanna get there in a year and stay there.

    I wanna run eq for hunger at a dose low enough that I don't get sides for as long as I can safely. This is to be able to eat what I need to to gain weight, not for any other effect. what are your suggestions? Front Load Idea is off the table now thanks for the wise advice. Last time I ran eq it was amazing and I really wanna run it. So if you guys think I can then I would like to.

    And I thought I would run Masteron as a short blast mid "cycle". I see I got dosages confused in my first post. Any dosage suggestions or should I just drop the compound all together? I have it and I figure at the first sign of trouble I just stop taking it. Got Nolvadex , Letro, Clomid, arimidex on hand. I won't need it though. Gyno surgery takes that off the table and nose bleeds are something I can deal with. First sign of trouble I will stop anything I started with no hesitation.

    PS. I know I ramble and I know I need to learn more about this. That's why I am here. Thanks for putting up with me. Come to the diet section and I will show you the same courtesy.

  7. #7
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    I know its not exactly a bulking compound but have you considered Primo instead of Mast?

  8. #8
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Haven't thought about primo. I have primo tabs from
    Mexico though. I think the food will help me gain the weight I need and the eq will help me
    Eat the food I need to. I just don't know about the mast.

    Any recommendations on the masteron cycle? Drop it and stick with low dose eq for the hunger?

  9. #9
    baddgsx is offline Junior Member
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    Twist , im on primo. Its a slow build but fat comes off with it. I totally recommend primo.

  10. #10
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Ok maybe I'll try it. Damn I was so psyched for masteron too

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