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Thread: Tren ??

  1. #1
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    Question Tren ??

    hey guys its been a while since ive been around the forum but have been offered some tren , 100mg p ml , 2 bottles of 10 ml ive done 2 courses in the past 2 years ...test e 250mg doing 500mg a week for 12 weeks and done 2 courses , seen some great results , but i dont know much about tren ....if anyone could help me out with what it is mainly used for it would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    gym_junki's Avatar
    gym_junki is offline Member
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    Mate it would be wise if u do ur own research than ask a question so that u have a tough idea about the drug. Tren is harsh mate, u will struggle doing cadio while on it because some feel short on breath, alot of sweat while sleeping and some experiance somthing called tren cough after a shot. there's a long ester with the test e ester attached to it and one with short prop ester. If it's ur first time using Tren I suggest using the short estate (Tren acetate) so that if u can't handle the sides u can atop and it will be out of ur system in a few days. Hope that helps

  3. #3
    gym_junki's Avatar
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    If u got the 100mg per ml that's the short ester so 1 ml eod tHats 400mg a week which is enough and because u will be pining eod beter shoot it with test prop

  4. #4
    lil_herc81's Avatar
    lil_herc81 is offline Member
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    if you go to the home page and read over the info on tren . It has everything you need to know and more.

  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would just hold off and get some test, as others have pointed out Tren is harsh. Furthermore Tren should be used with Test so you still would need to get some Test anyway.

  6. #6
    Maged's Avatar
    Maged is offline Junior Member
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    tren is usedd in both cutting and bulking since it is a gr8 anabolic and at same time a gr8 androgenic steroid , but be carefull cuz its very harsh on ur system

  7. #7
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah bro.You should put a few more cycles under your belt b4 using tren .You should read the profile on it.You will need something for the prolactin caber prami or bromo.I love the Shit.

  8. #8
    amcon's Avatar
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    tren is a great drug w lots of side effects, i would suggest researching tren a, i am not a fan of tren e, go see why... good luck

  9. #9
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    cheers fellas

  10. #10
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    ok so im into my first week of my course .....decided to go with tren 100mg and sus 250 , pinning 1ml tren and 1ml sus on monday , 1 ml tren wed and 1 ml tren and 1ml sus on friday , already started to notice a small lack of breath from the tren and a bit of a cough but its not to bad yet , running it for 10 weeks , i have heard though that tren in it self doesnt have the effects as to , gyno as bad as some other steroids ? anyone wanna chime in there ?

  11. #11
    gym_junki's Avatar
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    Yeh mate that's tru, listen ur running a short ester which is the tren and a long ester which is the sus I kno it has short esters as well but over all takes a few weeks to kick in, tren is going to kick in in a week and the sus a few weeks after until u feel it which is why we i said run it with a Short ester, if u wanted to run it with sus u should have started the tren 3 weeks into the cycle.

  12. #12
    Free Will's Avatar
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    ok im only on my 4th ml of the tren and i start with the sust in 2 days combined with tren but already i have noticed a big strength increase and more endurance ...alot more sweating but thus far that is the major side effect i am feeling , like i stated in my previous comment , have a little shortness of breath but not to bad so far all is going well ...just an update for yas

  13. #13
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    ok so it feels like my asscheek has been hit by a truck .....i pinned yesterday 1ml of tren 100mg with 1ml of sustanon 250mg , have done this same pin 3 times prior to yesterday but my ass cheek is swolen and so sore to sit on and everytime i bend or move a certain way it kills me not sure wtf is going on ...any advice guys ?

  14. #14
    juice8765 is offline Junior Member
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    That actually happened to me before doin test and npp 100. My entire glute turned rock solid I couldn't even sit an even walked with a limp, an when I worked out it would be soo painful that it would actually go numb. I thought it was infectected an even went to the er, but there was no fluid biuld up no abcess, but they gave me intibiotics just in case. I think its just coz ur muscle isn't use to handling 2 ccs at once, it took about 2 weeks for mine to go away, if there no fevers an redness ur good lol

  15. #15
    juice8765 is offline Junior Member
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    I actually plan on doin tren my next cycle, or npp. But no would answer my queastions bout tren for some reason

  16. #16
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    sheesh i cant wait 2 weeks for it to go away ...i pin and fri , 2ml mon and fri and 1 ml wed , alternating my glutes im gonna be sore for a while i think ...fukkkkkk

  17. #17
    juice8765 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea man I was doin the same .. some from then I had to use other spots. I started usin delts an quads, so now u have a total of 6 places to inject. An after that I never go over 2 ccs any where, ill just make 2 different injections. Give your glutes a break

  18. #18
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    shake up you sust... before injecting... sust can be a little painfull, depending on what they mix in there...

  19. #19
    Free Will's Avatar
    Free Will is offline Senior Member
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    cheers fellas ...i will give it a go you doin anyhoo amcon , long time no speak mate

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