25 - 5 yrs training
5'10 12%
past cycles- m1t 3 times, dbol only once
winny only once

I got slight gyno 4 years back taking dbol @ 25mg ed. The gyno came up 2 weeks in on the dbol. Nolvadex did not do a thing for me. Left me with some adipose tissue on my chest.

Fast forward 4 years and taking a winny only cycle with my body fat @ 9%

I was doing 50mg winny ed + natural test booster for 6 weeks. Seemed to kill any old psuedo gyno that I had. Great lean muscle gains, no shutdown. Great sex drive. I added 50mg anavar ed. After 3 days gyno began to form. started taken nolva 40 mg ED with no relief of symptoms. Got my hands on some liquid letro. Tapered up to 2.5mg ed for well over a month with zero reduction and a killed sex drive. The gyno seemed to naturally stabilize so I decided to taper off of the letro and alleviate myself from the sides.

Letro rebound!!!!!

I tapered down slowly and came off with reg dose of nolva but still had bad gyno rebound...

Can anyone help me and tell me what the hell went wrong?