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Thread: Growth Hormone stack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Question Growth Hormone stack?

    I've got a bargain on growth hormone and I now wonder what I should stack it with to get the best gains possible? I've done a couple cycle's before and know a great deal about steroids in common, the only one I have'nt found any particulary good info on is growt hormone. I would also like to know how much, for how long and with what i should stack it? Plz help me!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    "For the best results HGH should be stacked with any number of compounds. If at all possible the use of a serious steroid cycle, cytomel (T3) and insulin should be used. Not only do these promote the best results with HGH, HGH will allow for better results with them. It promotes the release if IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor I) in the liver, which is an extremely anabolic hormone. In conjunction with insulin it will therefore promote extreme nutrient retention in the muscle cells, providing the perfect anabolic environment. Cytomel seems to give it a great deal to work with. Metabolism is increased, together they form a great fat-loss combo, but more nutrients now become available as well. Along with the nitrogen/protein retention of some strong anabolic steroids this should provide very good overall results. But one can't mistake HGH as some form of miracle cure. Its no better than these other compounds, and it won't turn the cycle into a miracle of muscle growth either. Some would think this because of the incredible cost, but nothing of the sort is true. It has equal use, it just costs a hell of a lot more. Which is my main reason in stating its simply not worth what you get out of it.

    For all intents and purposes of increasing endurance and performance to some level, 3 to 6 IU will suffice. The same for most fat loss purposes. HGH has a very short half-life (30-45 minutes or so) and should be injected at least once daily, maybe twice daily if at all possible. For possibly more anabolic results due to its effects on freeing nutrients and increasing IGF-1 levels, 10-12 IU per day are needed for an extended period of time (10-15 weeks), usually in conjunction with other anabolic compounds. Its interesting to note that in your choice of anabolic, an aromatizing compound like testosterone should be given preference since estrogen has positive benefits on HGH as well.


    1 Deyssig R, Frisch H, Blum WF, Waldhor T. Effect of growth hormone treatment on hormonal parameters, body composition and strength in athletes., Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1993 Apr;128(4):313-8

    2 Growth hormone effects on metabolism, body composition, muscle mass, and strength. Yarasheski KE., Exerc Sport Sci Rev 1994;22:285-312

    3 Christ ER, Cummings MH, Westwood NB, Sawyer BM, Pearson TC, Sonksen PH, Russell-Jones DL. The importance of growth hormone in the regulation of erythropoiesis, red cell mass, and plasma volume in adults with growth hormone deficiency., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997 Sep;82(9):2985-90"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    bro, polska didn't warn you bout the dangers that come into play when you run cytomel and insulin, both can have a bad impact on you if ran wrong...

    a good starting dose for growth is 4 i.u per day for 5 days on and 2 days should be ran for atleast 12 - 16 weeks...most people try to stay on it as long as they can...i run mine for 20-24 weeks...

    growth goes good with numerous drugs, during the times ive used growth i have ran it with eq, sustanon, deca, winny...

    my next cycle i will run with growth will include, eq, anavar, sustanon, fina...insulin is not needed with growth but helps the effects of it...i have ran 2 cycles with out insuin while using growth and one i gained 25lbs and this last one i gained 30-35....

    hope this info helps bro...Madmax..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Originally posted by Madmax
    bro, polska didn't warn you bout the dangers that come into play when you run cytomel and insulin, both can have a bad impact on you if ran wrong...
    My bad... I just copied and pasted straight out of a GH article. Bump

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeah be careful man, if you run slin you might wanna get a doctor. Just my opinion but that's some serious shit..

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