hey guys just wondering wht ur opinion is on these to use during a cycle.arimidex or nolva
i was gonna do my first cycle in cpl mos and my main conjcern is water retention and acne and gyno realted sides.for my first cycle i was just gonna do just test e and strt off @ 250mg A WK and wrk up to 500 mg aft 3wks once i feel how it affects me and was gonna run it for 12 wks .im looking to just get some quality gains wiithout bthe bloating look ive heard about .my diets in chk n im also gonna run gh for 3 mos 1st (2 IUS UP TO 3IUS)so i cn really get tht synergestic effect from the cylce.The gh will b long term as well and i do have a pct ready.any advice would b great.thx guys
stats 35 , 225 10-12 BF