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Thread: pec tear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    pec tear

    hi everyone, ive posted in the injury section but didnt get many replies or view so sorry for posting in the wrong section but i have a quick question. i was benching a week ago but nothing too heavy and i felt the corner of my pec tear an heard a ripping/clapping sound. the doc confirmed a tear but the docs in the uk arent that helpful, is there anyway to tell if its been detached from the tendon? i had an mri but i couldnt fit in the machine properly so i dont think they have enough to work with. i have abit of mobility but most of the pain is under my front delt above the bicep where i had a hematoma. the bruising has travelled from there to pretty much my entire side and to forearm. any feedback is appreciated and how long does this take to recover nromally? would icing it or keeping it hot help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Los Angeles
    Yikes, you need to get a second opinion if you are not getting help from your current doctor. I was under the assumption pec tears have to be fixed with surgery at least if you ever want to lift again. Googel pec tear and you can get some good information but really you should be talking to your doctor because it sounds like surgery is in your future. Maybe I am wrong I have no personal experience with this but everyone I know who has had a pec tear or bicep tear has always had surgery to attach it so they can function normally again.

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