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Thread: test suspension + ?

  1. #1

    test suspension + ?

    hey guys, was gonna run test suspension + boldenone, but as it is atm i can only get my hands on 2 bottles of boldenone and for a full recomended cycle of 10 or so weeks i would need alot more,

    what are some other stacks people have used with test suspension? pref with faster results then boldenone would produce,

    23 yrs, 112 kgs, around 15% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Stats please?

  3. #3
    goal is to hopefully reach 120 KG, (not sure what that is in pounds as im australian) have been threw a test suspension only cycle and gained 8 kgs over 5 weeks so iv stayed with suspension since, and one with deca which i didnt do well on due to injury, have never had any issues with sides but have nolva just incase,

    6'6, 112 kg, 23 yrs, 15% bf ( been eating everything under the sun so abit fatter atm), training 3 years
    Last edited by kikboxa0; 11-28-2010 at 05:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    For starters you are to young.2nd you need to do a lot of reasearch.Plain to see you dont know much.

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