Thread: Some questions for a beginner.
11-30-2010, 05:12 PM #1
Some questions for a beginner.
First i'd like to say i've done a great deal of research, (or i like to think so anyways) and i've been training for about 6 years now and decided that i was ready to try steroids , however i want to make sure that i have everything down to a T before i start. I'd really like some feedback please.
I'll be taking, Dianabol (Terapia), Testosteron depo (Galenika) and Nolvadex (Zeneca). I've done some research and they all seem to be ligit.
1-4 weeks DBOL (25mg a day split up throughout the day)
1-6 weeks Test Depo (500mg a week, split up 3.5 days apart)
1-6 weeks Nolva (1 a day)
Along with this i'll be taking L-Tox (milk thistle), and have a diet of about 5000 calories, (i've pretty much got my diet down to perfection, course i've never done steroids so any tips there would be great)
I weigh 175lb and i'm 5'11.
Also, this may sound like a dumb question, but how do i know what size needle to use for injection with the test depo, i know it has to do with whether it's oil base or water base, however i have no idea how to tell?
Anyhoo, i'd really like any feedback and any tips.
11-30-2010, 05:31 PM #2
how old are you?
11-30-2010, 06:37 PM #3
It might say on the bottle "oil based" or "oil solution". You should be able to tell if its oil based by looking at it, it looks a little thicker.
Also it depends where you are planning to inject as to what size needle required. Most common is probably 23 gauge, 1 1/2 inch long. Thats for your glute (ass).
And some how i dont think your eating 5000 cals and only weighing 175lbs @ 5'11.
11-30-2010, 09:50 PM #4
I'm not eating 5000 Cals, lol, but from what i've read i think thats about how much i should be eating while on the cycle.
Also, i'm 25.
11-30-2010, 10:05 PM #5
5000 cals wow your either added another 0 there by mistake or u just cannot put weight on, 5000 cals is alot u should have just a tad more weight than what u said.
Last edited by boz; 11-30-2010 at 11:53 PM.
11-30-2010, 11:07 PM #6
Damn dude, you posted this 3 times. this one has all of the information needed tho.
It looks like this may be your first cycle? If so you should reconsider the compounds taken. Dbol on a 1st is not recommended. Test alone is highly advised with AI on hand and Proper PCT. Diet needs to be in check as everyone is indicating. Pin size depends on your size and injection site. I buy 1.5 and use for delts and glutes, since I like to use a 1" on my quads I cut the cap to the length needed. saves on a plethora of pins
11-30-2010, 11:46 PM #7
Thanks for all your feedback.
Sorry about the multiple posts, i have no idea why it did that.
If i do a test only cycle should i cycle it for say 12 weeks, it doesn't seem like i would get any results much less than that? Post could be Nolva, Aromasin and what's your take on HCG ? I could run the PCT for 5 to 6 week starting two weeks after my last shot of test.
I guess my take on a diet while on a cycle isn't quite clear, lol, my main calorie intake runs about 2500, is that enough, i mean it's clear i'm not a big guy and it is quite difficult for me to gain weight.
I really appreciate the help.
12-01-2010, 12:13 AM #8
You will surely see gains from test, providing your lifting and diet are in check. 2500 is far from enough. Keep in mind you burn more than that in one day, that makes a deficit in calories. you need a surplus and then bigger the better. I would post in the diet section for help on this. there is a great website that is free to help it is 12 weeks IMO is a great start, I do not recommend test P. Consider test E or test cyp (1 or 2x weekly opposed to EOD)
12-01-2010, 12:19 AM #9
PCT should start 2 weeks after last injection, 4 weeks will be enough as well. Have 40mg ED for the first and second week and 20mg ED for second and third week.
Where are you planning on injecting? Test only cycle is a good way to go for a first cycle so you can see how your body reacts to test alone, 400-500mgs a week will see excellent results if your gear is legit.
Also, you should be eating more than 2500 cals anyway, thats just the daily amount for a man to maintain weight. if you ate 3000,3500 cals now instead of the 2500 you are doing you would see a rise in your weight. It might be better to try upping your cals before cycling as 2500 is defiantly not enough for someone who is working out and wanting to gain weight.
12-01-2010, 12:23 AM #10
I'll get test e, Thanks a bunch man. To be honest i feel way more comfortable doing the test cycle now that i've read up on it. I guess i didn't research as much as i thought i did, course i never really knew what to look for.
haha and i think you guy's misunderstood what i meant by 5000 calories. I don't take that much (that would be insane for my size), but that was my goal while on the cycle whether that's correct or not i have no idea, i'll ask in the diet thread.
Thanks again.
12-01-2010, 12:39 AM #11
not for nothing but if you did alot of research like you said your post would have read like this
5'11' 175lbs
6 years lifting
first cycle
i was planning my first cycle and this is what i'm thinking test e and d-bol
weeks 1-12 test ---mgs pw shot m-t
weeks 1-4 d-bol --mgs ed
pct start week 14 clomid and nolvadex
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
will also have a-dex .25mgs ed or .50mgs eod to keep erse low
i will be eating x amounts of calories a day over 6 meals
how does it look, any suggestions would be appreciated
12-01-2010, 03:49 AM #12
Haha, guess i admitted that in the previous post. I did do my research, or atleast enough to feel it was ok to ask questions without being criticized for not reading up on it first.
Either way i got what i needed and i appreciate the information.
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