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Thread: What is the most hair friendly injectable steroid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    San Diego

    What is the most hair friendly injectable steroid?

    I won't be taking any oral DHT inhibitors (propecia, etc etc) due to the side effects, especially the possible sexual side effects. I'm 54 years old and Big Jim and the Twins are off limits! Tapping that *** is still a top priority!

    My goal is to put 20-25 lbs max. Currently 5'-9" 176 lbs and will I be around 160 lbs by mid january. BF% will be around 7-10% I think. I've been training about 2 years starting with P90X. Right now 3 day split weight training and 3 days cycling/abs/yoga. Diet in check running a big deficit right now until I'm leaned out.

    I would prefer not to burn down what hair I have left. I wouldn't characterize myself with MPB, but I do have the typical receding temples and thinning hairline on the crown of my head. MPB to me is guys that are 40 with only the sides/temple/fenders left.

    I know Test E,C is the real deal, but I'm wondering if good gains are possible with something a little more hair friendly, relative to my modest goals. I'm a realist though, and if acheiving my goals involve some hair loss so be it.


    Last edited by DeniZen; 12-02-2010 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The beach is that way -->
    How is your hair now?

    you may want to look into TRT at your age

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    im thinning as well basically same as you im just about to finish up a test e cycle and honestly i haven't noticed any shedding or hair loss. i did use topical spiro from ar-r i dont really know if that made a big difference...just go for it, i wouldnt worry

  4. #4
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    I checked into TRT with a couple of "TRT" Mds here in San Diego and was not impressed. Quite frankly I've learned more searching these boards than anything the docs told me. Plus I pressed one of the MDs about dosages and it just seemed too low. Both of the MDs were fat asses too lol. I don't feel like chasing one MD after another until I find a good fit. Bottom line my libido is great, I'm in great shape and I feel great. I don't think 100mg/week of test is gonna accomplish much.

  5. #5
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    Stay away from Winny, its a real hair killer.
    Deca is one of the mildest on the hair, but its a very mild anoabolic also compared to things like Tren.
    Some people say that Tren is bad for hair, but I have never had a problem with it. Winny though nearly turned me into a slap head until I came off, then fortunately my hair grew back.
    Always run test with Deca or say bye bye to libido.
    Hope this helps.
    I'm 40 btw, whats wrong with that?

  6. #6
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    I am not mpb prone... But abombs, dbol seems to cause a degree of noticable shedding.(That kinda returns off cycle)
    Tren, masteron, primo, winny seem to make my hair look thinner but I don't notice any hair loss (shower, bed). My hair seems to thinken up the moment I stop.
    Test I have no issues with until I get into higher doses.

    If I were you I would run a moderate test prop(300/400 mg) and masteron prop(300/400 mg)
    You can dump this and start pct 3 days if you start noticing an unacceptable loss.
    You will gain good hard weight and the libido will be rocking. I would not even run an ai or serm; the masteron will likely cover any estro issues.(Have some nolva in case)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    deca or primobolan would be a good choice.. test is safe enough and should be used in combo with either of the two previously mentioned

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    ^personally id avoid primobolan or ANY dht based steroid if hair loss was a concern. Not to crazy about primo anyway .... JMO....

  9. #9
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    When did the hairloss start when u ran test? Which week did u notice?

  10. #10
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    I am right there with ya, 55 6.1 205lbs I have a full head of hair and no problems downstairs, before I came here and learned anything I did a 1 month cycle of TrenA/Test Base and it really thinned my hair. Just like Delta said no recession just thinner and wispy looking which it has never been before anyway since finishing the cycle 2.5 months ago my hair has just started to return and I was really nervous about starting my current cycle of TestP however I can say that since starting about 10 days ago my hair has continued to thicken so its my belief that you will probably be O-K as long as you keep the dosage reasonable.

    PS As far as doing my first cycle although poorly laid out and my body fat was ugly 24-28% etc. If I had it to do over I would certainly do thing differerntly but that said, I have zero regrets. During the cycle the gains were enough even on a shit diet to motivate me to read an hour a day here as I have every day since. This has given me the knowlege to implement a good diet eating 7-8 times a day ( good not great :-) as well as dedicating myself to hitting the wieghts gradually but consistantly and increasingly. I have put an inch and a half on my bicep and dropped 3 from my waist.

    Good luck with your cycle,

    Last edited by Far from massive; 12-02-2010 at 03:38 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    stay away form mast 100%

  12. #12
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    Primo sounds like it would be the best for your goals.
    Just add a test base to it (maybe 200mg/week) and you should be GTG.
    A few guys say that it was bad for their hair, but I find it extremely mild even at 600mg+ (which is the sort of dose you need for good results). It is a boldenone derivative and has a very low androgenic rating and low AR binding affinity, so I suspect that the guys who claim it was rough on their hair were using something else, like low-dosed tren (since Primo is the most expensive AAS by far, it is also the most faked).

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Primo is a DHT derivative, there is no such thing a boldenone derivative. They are either Test, DHT or Nandrolone based derivatives. Also, DHT is the main the main culprit in hair loss and what the OP should be avoiding for his stated concerns.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Primo is a DHT derivative, there is no such thing a boldenone derivative. They are either Test, DHT or Nandrolone based derivatives. Also, DHT is the main the main culprit in hair loss and what the OP should be avoiding for his stated concerns.
    It is 5a-reduced Boldenone with a 1-methyl group. Take away the 1-methyl group and you're left with what? Dihydroboldenone (1-Test), not dihydrotestosterone. And if this DHB were not 5a-reduced, it would just be boldenone, which is roughly half as androgenic as test.
    So we're arguing semantics here and classification methods here, but anything with a 1-2 double bond (boldenone and its derivatives) is much less androgenic than its counterpart without that 1,2 double bond. (you're just looking at it broader than I, since Boldenone and its derivatives have a critical structural alteration from Test which makes them less androgenic, even though they are derived from test. I guess you can look at them as a hormone sub-category).

    Primo is 5a-reduced, but it acts as a VERY mild androgen and doesn't really cause any of the normal androgenic side effects (acne, aggression, increase in sweating, increased sex drive, etc). So the fact that is is 5a-reduced just keeps it from being converted to anything else (like estrogen or actual DHT), but it really doesn't act like most 5a-reduced compounds (DHT derivatives, if you want). Also, Anavar is a DHT derivative, and that's as mildly androgenic as it gets.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-03-2010 at 02:23 AM.

  15. #15
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    I noticed my shedding stopped when I added hcg to my test cycle. I was running test E at 500 a week. i was losing hair fast! hcg and it seems to have stopped. ive never heard of using hcg for this, but thats all i can come up with for stopping my shed.

  16. #16
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    Thanks everyone for your responses. I like the Primo profile, but I'm not wild about pinning two substances on my first cycle. A simple low dose Test E might be the smartest thing.

    What about Anavar run with a low dose of Test? 8 weeks or so (with PCT of course).

  17. #17
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    im interested in starting same cycle maybe prop, or low test e. also maybe var. scared to lose hair mainly. how low of a dose are you going to run?

  18. #18
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    Man I think its also going to have a lot to do with your genetics. It's like bitch tits. Some people are naturally prone to them and dbol with wreck them and then some like me have no signs of it after 3 cycles with it. Test E always was my sweet spot and it has been good on the hair? Just my two sense

  19. #19
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    Test only probably 300mg for 12 weeks with pct


    Var 40-50mgs ED with a maintenance dose of Test maybe 200mg for 8 weeks, with liver/cholesterol protection and pct.

  20. #20
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    Here is the most hair friendly stack IMO. Jump start your cycle with either tbol (bulk) or anavar (cut), test (e, c, blend, whatever you prefer) and EQ. You must stay on the EQ for 4-6 months to reap the long term gains. The only drug that can cause hairloss in this stack is the test of course. That is due to it's conversion to DHT from the 5-ar enzyme as mentioned before. If you take finasteride (propecia) that will minimize the conversion into DHT which gives you a hair friendly stack. Sexual sides from finasteride is not as common as most think. I do just fine, I'm 41 and I just had another baby boy a week ago. No problem getting my junk to work.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    no hair works great 4 me .some chicks prefer it, thank god . back in the days youd be a freak now im lucky to be in these times. so nice to put the ball cap

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    no hair works great 4 me .some chicks prefer it, thank god . back in the days youd be a freak now im lucky to be in these times. so nice to put the ball cap
    At least it looks like you got a good shaped head so you can pull it off. I have a big melon so I would look weird bald. That is why I spent 10K on a hair transplant about 8 years ago. I love the option of being able to have hair and style it or just shave it off. Options are good.

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