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  1. #1
    WSC786 is offline Associate Member
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    Thumbs up Which Test is best for a short cycle...6 weeks.

    Hey all,

    Thought I had my first cycle figured out (posted it last week)...but now I"m thinking about a short 6 week cycle instead.
    My thought process is that with a shorter cycle I won't get "shut down" as bad and with a 6 weeker I should be able to avoid using HCG ....
    Recovery should be a little easier...plan on using Clomid and Nolvadex .

    bf 13% ish.

    proposed cycle

    wk 1-4 D-bol @ 40mg per day.
    Wk 1-6 Test Sust @ 250mg 2x per week.
    wk 8-11 Clomid 50/30/20
    Nolvadex 40/20/20

    Any thought on what kind of test would be the best??? Or is this really a bad idea. I know that I won't see the same type of results as a 10 or 12 week cycle....but I"m fine with that.

    Suggestoins??? Opinions.

  2. #2
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    If this is your first cycle I would recomend sticking to 1 compound so you can see what kinda effects your body feels. I know everyone is gonna ask you to post up some additional stats which is always a big help but to answer your question, I would loose the d-bol and just stick to test-e or test-c for 10-12 weeks but I dont see why you could not go with test-prop for like 6 to 8 weeks and then PCT. Just my thought, but not certain..

  3. #3
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could use prop for 6-8 preferably 8 weeks and see good result however you would be pinning at least eod which can break some guys, not recommended for a first cycle. As for being shut down I could be wrong but by the 4th week I would suspect you to be fully shut down so I don't really see any advantage there. Consider a 10 week test e cycle while running an ai at .25mgs eod to keep estrogen in check which should help with recovery

  4. #4
    dieselmuscle80 is offline New Member
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    Yeah first cycle or maybe even 2 you should stick with one compound. I started with dbol and test e my first cycle and didn't know which gave me minor gyno. Keep some AI on hand always and stop using it when signs of estro sides are gone. 3k surgery tought me a hard lesson. Test prop if u really want a short cycle due to the half life but 8 weeks would be the best results to me. Never six unless it's a bridge to another cycle. But like MBMETC said the ed/eod injections will make u say F it and give up. Finding new injection site ed isn't fun. And if u are worried about recovery then just don't go past a 12-14 week cycle. Using dbol and test won't hurt u too bad. Using nolva alone without clomid should work. I think using both is a overkill on a small cycle. Don't know why u don't wanna run hcg but your nut production will come back during the four weeks of pct.
    Last edited by dieselmuscle80; 12-03-2010 at 09:20 PM. Reason: No reason

  5. #5
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    just do a plain test e or sust for 10wks. ed and eod injects became a complete nuisance for me and by 10wks in i was well and truely fed up injecting tren and prop day about, bloody painful aswell!!

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    To get max results in 6 weeks, you'd need to go with suspension/TNE. Not a good idea for a first cycle.

  7. #7
    WSC786 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys,

    That is pretty much the response I thought that I would get so it makes my decision pretty easy.
    Its will be Sust for 10 weeks 250 x 2 per week. Obviously with all the trimmings...clomid, nolva...etc.

    thanks all,

  8. #8
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like you have a good solid base to work off, enjoy the ride and good luck with your cycle

  9. #9
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Your going to be shut down regardless. If you want to run a shrt cycle theres nothing wrong with that but I would run prop if you only want to stay on for 6 wks IMO sust should be run a bit longer

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    prop and dbol for 6-8 weeks would be good (if u can gat 'painless prop')

    lower ur dbol dose to 20mg (asuming ur getting good stuff, HG) and run it thruout

    I would still Use HCG tho rite from the start

    my gains slowed after 6 weeks on prop and dbol but my strength kept going up

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