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  1. #1
    dankney is offline New Member
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    Whats better than Test400 and Dbol

    Hey guys new to the forum. Just wanted to get some input on my next cycle. 6 months ago I finished a 14wk cycle of test 400 and dbol . dosed at 2ml of 400 per week and 50mg of dbol (25 in the am 25 in the pm) per day! Was only on the dbol the last 7 weeks. I got some pretty solid gains from it and looking to hit another cycle. I want to add mass at this point and im not to worried about definition because im just generally a pretty big guy. Pretty much anything is available to me and from talking with the other bros this combo sounds like it might be the best for me... also to add i took inhibit e for 30 days after my cycle (it was an inexpensive blocker i got on the web, my buddy had used it before)

    also, what do you guys know about genesis labs gear? its the only thing Ive been able to get ahold of.

  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    You took nothing for pct? I wouldn't run another cycle, did u have blood work?

  3. #3
    dieselmuscle80 is offline New Member
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    Where to begin with u my friend lol first) dbol the last weeks of ur cycle? Why? And for 7 weeks!?! 4 is too toxic for me becuase I wanna keep my liver lol dbol should have jumped started ur cycle. And a IE for 30 days After ur cycle? Did u gains stay? And no pct? Blood work if u haven't should be the first thing u get before even thinking about another cycle. If u got one and it looks good, for ur second cycle Just throw in a second compound like deca if u don't mind the bloat or eq if u want slow but good gains. Also drop the bol and go with var. I'm very shocked ur liver is still strong after 7 weeks of bol. 7 weeks mixed with the test kicked in I bet u were lifting major plates lol
    Last edited by dieselmuscle80; 12-03-2010 at 10:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Its against the board policy to mention UGL lab names.

    Hey Dankney, just curious what are your stats, hieght, weight, age, number of cycles etc.

  5. #5
    dankney is offline New Member
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    I'm confused, I use the inhibit e for the pct.... I am aware I should have jump started my cycle with the bol but I couldnt get ahold of it till after I started on the test. So you think I should run 400 Deccan and var? Yah I Kept most of my gains but have def noticed I'm not putting up as many plates since the last cycle obvi. My liver seems to be fine and all o my shits working, i guess I'll be more careful next cycle. Also the only sides i suffered was acne on back and face.

  6. #6
    dankney is offline New Member
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    Sorry about the name drop. I'm 23 5"9 250 and around 18% bf (Fml)

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieselmuscle80 View Post
    Where to begin with u my friend lol first) dbol the last weeks of ur cycle? Why? And for 7 weeks!?! 4 is too toxic for me becuase I wanna keep my liver lol dbol should have jumped started ur cycle. And a IE for 30 days After ur cycle? Did u gains stay? And no pct? Blood work if u haven't should be the first thing u get before even thinking about another cycle. If u got one and it looks good, for ur second cycle Just throw in a second compound like deca if u don't mind the bloat or eq if u want slow but good gains. Also drop the bol and go with var. I'm very shocked ur liver is still strong after 7 weeks of bol. 7 weeks mixed with the test kicked in I bet u were lifting major plates lol
    You vastly overestimate Dbol's hepatotoxicity.

  8. #8
    johnnybiggz is offline New Member
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    anyone used got my order today but one of the bottles does not have a hologram on the bottle???

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice two UGL's in one thread..

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